
完美谈判关键词 Perfect Phrases for Negotiating

Deluca, Matthew J./ Deluca, Nanette F. McGraw-Hill





Deluca, Matthew J./ Deluca, Nanette F.  






The right phrase for every situation . . . every time  The latest guide in the top-selling, easy-to-use Perfect Phrases series gives you the correct vocabulary to use to get the best salary or job offer possible. Using words and phrases that take away the taboo surrounding the subject of money, you can ask for what you want-and deserve-with confidence.  Provides quick, easy steps that prepare readers for salary negotiations, job interviews, or performance reviews, giving them the competitive edge.


Part One:Preparing for Salary Negotiation Where Are You Coming From? What Is Your Current Situation?  Out of Work  You Are Currently Employed  You Are in the Middle of a Job Hunt Why Do You ThinkYou Should Get Paid More Money?  Why Now?  Emotions versus Pragmatics  What Is Your Role in the Company as Opposed to Your Stated Position? How to Create and Expand Your Knowledge Base  What You Need to Know--and Why  Research Your Selling Points  Research the Current Job Market, Industry, and Economy:  Research Your Options  Thinking Outside of the Pay Envelope Define Compensation:What Does It Mean to You? What Are the Costs of the New Job? Looking the Part Transportation Make a Plan Crunching Numbers Negotiation Framework Reconsider Your Bargaining Points First Rule of Negotiation: Do Not Negotiate If You Do Not Want the Job Second Rule of Negotiation: Be Careful about What You Ask For How to Negotiate  How Do You Negotiate? How Should You Negotiate? With Whom Should You Negotiate? When Should You Talk Money? Should Your Future Be Held Hostage to Your Past? Rules-You Need to Know Them before  You Can BreakThem Negotiating Guidelines  Examining the Offer(s)  Closing the Negotiations Electronic versus Hardcopy Applications  Online Applications  Hardcopy Applications Recruiters and Headhunters: Are They Useful in the  Negotiating Process?Part Two:Dealing with Salary Questions before and during the Recruiting and Selection Process Opportunities That Require a Written Response Questions That May Arise at Courtesy Interviews and  Information-Gathering SessionsPart Three:How to Negotiate the Total Compensation Offer:Salary Benefits,and PerquisitesPart Four:Negotiating at Your Current Job





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