(如何使用标点符号(企鹅写作指南))How to Punctuate
Oversea Publishing House
George Davidson
This practical one-stop guide explains all the punctuation marks you are ever likely to encounter. From commas to colons, it shows you which marks to use and where to put them in a sentence, with helPful examples of correct and incorrect use and advice forwriting on computers. Ideal for both quick reference and in-depth browsing, the guide provides allfthe tips and techniques you need for AccuratE Punctuation.
Introduction1 What is punctuation for?2 Good and bad punctuation - and how to improve yours3 Sentences and non-sentences4 Futt stops5 Question marks6 Exclamation marks7 Commas8 Semicotons9 Colons10 Dashes11 Quotation marks12 Brackets13 ELLipsis14 Obhques15 Apostrophes16 Hyphens17 CapitaL letters18 Paragraphs19 Itahcs, botdface type and underiining20 Direct speech,correspondence ,and essays and reportsTechnical termsBibliographyIndex
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