
Justice and Equity正义与公平

Kolm, Serge-Christophe MIT





Kolm, Serge-Christophe  




See, Harold F.  


Justice and Equity is a major work on the foundations of normative economics。 The principles established by Kolm have formed the basis of the major lines of study in the field。 The central principles are the ideal equalities in freedom (related to non-envy) and in happiness (approximated by the efficient leximin in fundamental utility)。 Kolm also presents related principles such as fundamental dominance and majorities,realistic equity,and adequacies。 He analyzes thoroughly the reasons, properties, and consequences of these principles。 A foreword for the English-language edition presents the rational necessity of equality and the theory of interpersonal comparisons。


Translator’S AcknowledgmentForeword(1997) 1 Presentation 2 Fundamental Preferences and UtilitV 2.1 Meanings of Preferences and Utility 2.2 Comparison of Satisfaction or Happiness 2.3 Causes of Satisfaction or Happiness 2.4 Comparative Substitution 2.5 History 3 Cardinal Utilitry 4 Summary of Issues in Comparison of Utilities or Preferences 5 Why Equality?Equality as RationalityIntroduction 1 Toward a Formal Ethic 2 Econom ic Justice 3 Objectives and Limits of this Study 4 History of Ideas and Review of the Literature oil the SubiectⅠ CoNCEPTS AND PRoBLEMS A Basic Concepts 1 Personal Situation 2 State of Society 3 Permuted States 4 Domain of Possible States and Constraints 5 Personal Preferences B Efficiency,Equity,Equality 1 Efficiency 2 Equity 3 Existence and Compatibility 4 Equality C Particular Structures l Identical Preferences 2 Problems of the Two Person Society 3 Satiety and Satiation D Processes 1 Processes and Implementation 2 Free Exchange 3 Forming and Assigning Lots E Distribution Problems l Constraints 2 Properties 3 Specifications 4 0uestions 5 Some Results on Equity in Distributions a The TwO Person Case b The General Case C The Case of Identical PreferencesⅡ DISTRIBUTIoN A TWO Persons 1 Properties a Concepts  ……Ⅲ JUSTICEIndex




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