
开办和经营商务在线 Starting and Running an Online Business For Dummies?

Dan Matthews,Greg Holen 著 John Wiley & Sons



John Wiley & Sons  


Dan Matthews,Greg Holen 著  




Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a small business owner looking to expand your business online, this up-to-date guide covers all the essentials you need to know to set up a Web site and start trading quickly and profit- ably. With strategies to help you identify your market, design your Web site, use new technology, trade securely, and stay ahead of the competition, this book is just what you need to succeed. Dan Matthews is Group Online Editor of Caspian Publishing, which producesmagazines, Web sites, and events for an audience of UK entrepreneurs. Greg Holden is the author of over 25 books including eBay PowerUser's Bible.


Dan Matthews is Group Online Editor of Caspian Publishing, which produces magazines, Web sites, and events for an audience of UK entrepreneurs. Primarily working on reaibusiness.co.uk, Dan writes about stellar business success stories as well as up-and-co


Introduction About This Book Conventions Used in This Book Foolish Assumptions How This Book ls Organised  Part 1: Strategies and Tools for Your Online Business  Part I1: Establishing Your Online Presence  Part III: Running and Promoting Your Online Business  Part IV: The Necessary Evils: Law and Accounting  Part V: The Part of Tens Icons Used in This Book Where to Go from HerePart Ⅰ: Strategies and Tools for your Online Business .. Chapter 1: Opening Your Own Online Business in Ten Easy Steps The Time Is Now Step 1: Identify a Need   Getting to know the marketplace   'Cee-ing' what's out there   Working out how to do it better Step 2: Know What You're Offering Step 3: Come Up with a Virtual Business Plan Step 4: Get Your Act Together and Set Up Shop   Finding a host for your Web site   Assembling the equipment you need   Choosing business software Step 5: Get Help   Hiring technical bods   Gathering your team Step 6: Construct a Web Site   Making your site content-rich   Establishing a visual identity Step 7: Process Your Sales Providing a means for secure transactions How not to cook your books  Step 8: Provide Personal Service Sharing your expertise Making your site appealing E-mailing your way to the top  Step 9: Alert the Media and Everyone Else Listing your site with lnternet search services Reaching the whole Internet  Step 10: Review, Revise, and Improve Taking stock Updating your data Chapter 2: Choosing and Equipping Your New E-Business... Starting Off on the Right Foot Mapping Out Your Online Business   Looking around   Making your mark  Evaluating commercial Web sites Flavours of Online Businesses You Can Taste Test   Selling consumer products   Punting what you're good at   Making money from your expertise   Creating opportunities with technology   Being a starving artist without starving Marketing One-to-One with Your Customers   Focus on a customer segment   Boost your credibility   Create customer-to-customer contact: Everybody wins   Be a player in online communities   Add ways to sell and multiply your profits Easyware (Not Hardware) for Your Business   The right computer for your online business   Processor speed   Hard drive storage   CD-RW/DVD~RW drive   Monitor   Fax equipment Image capture devices Getting Online: Connection Options Software Solutions for Online Business Web browser Web page editor …… Chapter 3: Selecting the Right Web Host and Design Tools Chapter 4: Profiting from New Business Tools Part Ⅱ: Establishing your Online Presence Chapter 5: Giving Your E-Business Site Structure and Style Chapter 6: Attracting and Keeping Customers Chapter 7: Building in Security Up Front Chapter 8: Monitoring and Improving Your BusinessPart Ⅲ: Running and Promoting your Online Business Chapter 9: Easing the Shopping Experience Chapter 10: Running a Business on eBay.co.uk Chapter 11: Accepting Payments Chapter 12: Service with a Virtual Smile Chapter 13: Search Engines: What You Need to KnowPart Ⅳ: The Necessary Evils: Law and Accounting Chapter 14: Making It All Legal Chapter 15: Online Business Accounting ToolsPart Ⅴ: The Part of Tens Chapter 16: Ten Must-Have Features for Your Web Site Chapter 17: Ten Hot Ways to Be an Ontrepreneur Chapter 18: Ten Must-See Web Sites for Online EntrepreneursIndex




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