John Wiley & Sons Inc
Scott Deming
By now you know that branding is not exclusively about business identity in the form of a logo or advertising. You might recognize the Nike brand from its iconic swoosh logo. You might immediately think of McDonald’s when you think of fast food because McDonald’s commercials are ubiquitous, but by this point, you know that icons and awareness do not constitute a brand. You also know that big businesses are not the only brands. Your business does not have to be the size of GM, Microsoft, AOL Time Warner or Wal-Mart. Your business could be run out of your home with you as the sole employee. You could conduct business from a small office with a single assistant, or in a store with several employees. The size, scope, and location of your business does not change the fact that it’s a brand, nor should any of these factors truly impact your brand if you’re focusing on one-on-one relationships. Businesses are not the only brands, either. Every individual is a brand, as are organizations from non-profits to political parties to social clubs. For example, the Gates Foundation, the Red Cross, UNICEF, Make-A-Wish Foundation, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Kiwanis Clubs, Rotary Clubs, Republican Party, and Democratic Party — all are brands. The concept of branding I’ve been articulating is personal, which means everyone needs to develop one. Each category — from individuals to organizations to businesses large and small — brings with it its own brand development challenges. At the same time, however, these challenges are minimized when you understand your brand identity. Throughout this book, I have written about creating unique and memorable experiences for your customers. Chapter 2 defined a brand in terms of establishing relationships with your customers. Chapter 3 distinguished between types of experiences you can generate for your customers, and differentiated a brand experience from ones that are merely transactional or simply meet customer expectations. Chapter 4 highlighted the importance of changing your perspective to adopt your customer’s point of view, rather than emphasize your product or service. Chapter 5 analyzed the results of changing your perspective. Chapter 6 admonished you to avoid overstating your own worth. Finally, Chapter 7 focused on the ripple effects of your actions. Thus, most of the facets of branding I’ve been articulating since the beginning of this book have emphasized how you affect the customer’s perceptions. In other words, I’ve been talking about the customer’s connection to your brand. Now I’m going to talk about how you perceive your own brand, and about your connection to your own brand.
Scott Deming is an international speaker, trainer, and business consultant who delivers high-energy sales and customer service presentations and seminars to associations and corporations across the globe, over 100 times a year. He formerly ran his own nat
Preface What’s Up with the Children’s Stories? Creating Beliefs that Shape Your BrandIntroduction The Boy Who Cried WolfChapter 1Branding’s Not Your Job? Actually, It’s Everyone’s Job Branding vsAdvertising and Marketing — Completely Different Animals The Story of the Eagle, the Crow, and the Shepherd You Build and Sustain the Brand! Advertising as Awareness Marketing as a System of Uniting Businesses and Customers Branding Is a Process Of Creating Authentically Unique, Emotional Experiences That Yields vangelicals I’m a Brand, You’re a Brand — We’re All Brands! Widening the Scope of What Constitutes a BrandChapter 2This is Not Your Father’s Branding Formula Defining a Brand The Tortoise and the Hare Successful Brands Defy Expectations Defying Expectations Means Over-Delivering on Your Brand PromiseChapter 3You Got What You Came For — I Did My Job…Didn’t I? A Typical Service vsA Unique Experience The Crow and the Pitcher Building a Brand Doesn’t Happen Overnight (Don’t Kill Your Golden Goose!) Building a Brand: A Mere Transaction, a Typical Service, or a Unique Experience? Transactional vsUnique Experiences Typical Service vsUnique Experience The Unique, Emotional, Memorable ExperienceChapter 4Forget About Me and My Stuff, Let’s Talk About You! Creating The Ultimate Customer Experience The Lion and the Mouse Developing Relationships: The Heart and Soul of Branding Transcending the Typical: Michelene, Nayan, and Ray Branding: If You Build It, They Will Come — But You’ve Got to Sustain It! Chapter 5Can I Borrow Your Shoes? Walking a Mile in Your Customer’s — and Your Employee’s — Shoes The Frog PrinceI Am My Customer Your Customers Are Not Clones! Avoiding Thinking Exclusively in Terms of a “Core Customer” Be Your Customers and Employees: You Can Fit into Any Size Shoe! Chapter 6Get Over Yourself! We're Not as Great as We Think We Are The Fox and the Crow “The Lake Woebegone Effect” Yeah, You’re Good, But Not That Good! Avoiding “The Lake Woebegone Effect” Chapter 7You Talkin’ To Me? You Never Know Who You're Dealing With! Puss in Boots Your Actions Generate Far-Reaching Ripples Some Words Are Actions Avoiding Negative RipplesChapter 8Just Call Me Slick! People Really Hate to be "Sold" The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing What We’ve Accomplished So Far Creating an Authentic Brand Identity: Sincerity Can’t Be Faked! Inauthentic Brand Identities Your Brand Identity Is Deeply Personal How Big Organizations Must Generate Personal BrandsChapter 9Branding? LOL! Branding for the Technology-Driven Business The Three Little Pigs What Technology Does For Us The Downside of Mass Communication How to Use Technology to Extend Your Reach Of InfluenceChapter 10Bringing it All Together Understanding the Roles and Fusion of Advertising and Branding to Create the Ultimate Branding achine The Circus Barker: An Original Deming Tail (Yes, “Tail”!) Your Brand Is Your Foundation Avoid Driving Customers To A Flawed Service! Conclusion