
针压法与反射论指南Acupressure & Reflexology For Dummies

Bobbi Dempsey John Wiley & Sons Inc



John Wiley & Sons Inc  


Bobbi Dempsey  




Searching for alternative treatments for pain? This friendly, do-it-yourself guide introduces you to the basics and benefits of acupressure and reflexology, showing you step by step how to nurture your emotional and physical well-being and that of someone else. You'll see how to target specific body parts to address your ailments and improve your emotional as well as your physical well-being. Understand basic healing principles Relieve your specific aches and pains Boost your immune system Address age-related ailments Find professional help


Introduction Part I: Touching on the Basics of Acupressure and Reflexology Chapter 1 Acupressure and Reflexology Essentials Chapter 2 Healing Yourself or a Loved One Chapter 3 the Terrain: Bones, Muscles, Meridians, and Reflex Zones Chapter 4 Technique: The Healing Touch Chapter 5 Professional Help Wanted? Part II: Promoting Emotional and Physical Wellness Chapter 6 Maintaining Good Health Chapter 7 Balancing Emotions for Well_Being Chapter 8 Treating Emotional Upset Part III: Where Does It Hurt? Treating Common Aches and Ailments Chapter 9 Putting Your Best Foot Forward Chapter 10 Healing the Leg and Hip Regions Chapter 11 Relieving Backaches Chapter 12 Relief for Hurting Heads (And Pains in the Neck) Chapter 13 Lending a Hand (And Arm and Shoulder, Too!) Chapter 14 Time for a Gut Check Chapter 15 Chest-Related Care and Considerations Part IV: Addressing Specific Needs and Concerns Chapter 16 Age-Related Treatments Chapter 17 Especially for Women Chapter 18 Fighting Colds, Preventing Illness, and Relieving Some Chronic Conditions Part V: The Part of Tens Chapter 19 ten Myths and Misconceptions About Acupressure and Reflexology Chapter 20 Ten Ways Acupressure and Reflexology Can Enrich Your Life Appendix: Resources Index




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