
Work-life Balance for Dummies工作与生活的平衡

Mumford, Jeni; Lockett, Katherine



Mumford, Jeni; Lockett, Katherine  




A recent survey conducted by Universum Communication found that work-life balance is No.1 on the list of short-term career goals amongst professionals. But while work-life balance is an increasingly popular term, many of us are still unsure about how to achieve it, or lack the confidence to approach employers to negotiate flexible working hours. "Work-Life Balance for Dummies" will offer readers advice and simple strategies to achieve more balance whatever their situation. Discover how to: work out your priorities; put off procrastination and improve your time management; move your boss towards work-life balance; cast your net wider and change jobs and employers; and, plan a relocation. Jeni Mumford is the author of "Life Coaching For Dummies". She is a personal life coach who works with both individuals and organizations on personal development. She runs holistic coaching events in the UK and Italy and is an accredited NLP practitioner.


IntroductionPart I: Stand and Deliver: your Job or your Life Chapter 1: Defining Work/Life Balance Chapter 2: Work, Life, and YouPart If: Looking After yourself First Chapter 3: You Can't Have It All and Nor Would You Want To Chapter 4: Your Body Is Your Temple and Not Your Local Dump Chapter 5: Getting to Know YouPart III: Size Isn't Everything:Small Changes That Work Chapter 6: Finding Lost Time and Space Chapter 7: Being a Legend in Your Own Lunch TimePart IV: Preparing to Work for WorklLife Balance Chapter 8: Moving Your Manager towards Work/Life Balance Chapter 9: Maintaining Your New Working Life Chapter 10: Putting the Life into Your Work/Life BalancePart V: The Bigger Picture: Getting What you Want long Term Chapter 11: Casting Your Net Wider Chapter 12: Studying for Success Chapter 13: Doing a 180-Degree Turn: Changing Your Carer Completely Chapter 14: Simplifying Your Life Chapter 15: Planning Your MovesPart VI: The Part of Tens Chapter 16: Ten Tips from the Experts Chapter 17: Ten Things to Teach Your Kids Chapter 18: Ten Ways to Motivate Your Workmates Index




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