Great Fugues for Solo Keyboard 经典赋格键盘乐独奏
Dover Pubns
David Dutkanicz
Beginning with works by Frescobaldi, Scarlatti, Giambattista, and Handel, this collection features several compositions by the fugue's most famous expositor, Johann Sebastian Bach, including many pieces from The Well-Tempered Clavier. Contributions from latter-day composers include works by Mozart, Beethoven, Mendelssohn, Robert and Clara Schumann, Brahms, and Saint-Saëns.
GIROLAMO FRESCOBALDI (1583-1644)Fugue in G MinorDOMENICO SCARLATTI (1683-1757)The Cat's FuguePADRE MARTINI GIAMBATTISTA (1706-1784)Fugue in E MinorGEORGE FRIDERIC HANDEL (1685-1759)Fugue in G MajorFugue in G Minor JOHANN SEBASTIAN BACH (1685-1750)WTC Book IFugue No.1Fugue No.2Fugue No.6Fugue No.16 WTC Book IIFugue No.7Fugue No.14 Fugue No.15 Fugue No.24 St.Anne's FugueArt of the FugueFugue No.1Fugue No.7Fugue in A Major on aTheme of Albinoni Fugue in C Major fromThe Clavier-Buchen of W.E BachFugue in Bb Major arranged fromJ.A.Reincken's Hortus MusicusGoldberg VariationsVariation No.10 Chromatic Fantasy and FugueFugue WOLFGANG AMADEUS MOZART (1756-1791)Fantasia and Fugue in C Major, K.Fugue Fugue in G Minor, K.154 LUDWIG VAN BEETHOVEN (1770-1827)Eroica Variations - Finale FELIX MENDELSSOHn (1809-1847)Six Preludes and Fugues, Op.35Fugue No.1Fugue No.6ROBERT SCHUMANN (181 0-1856)Seven Pieces in Fugal Form, Op.126Fugue No.1Fugue No.2Fugue No.6CLARA SCHUMANN (1819-1896)3 Preludes and Fugues, Op.16Fugue No.1JOHANNES BRAHMS (1833-1897)Variations and Fugue on aTheme of Handel, Op.24FugueCAMILLE SAINT- SAENS (1835-1921)Six Etudes, Op.52Etude No.3 - Fugue Six Etudes for the Left Hand, Op.135Etude No.2, Alia Fuga.
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