Oversea Publishing House
Joan M. Walker, Antoine Helewa 著
Updated and expanded to be even more comprehensive, this text explains how to manage various arthritic conditions. The information included in this book spans a wide range, assisting a reader in any kind of clinical or academic setting. The content is divided into seventeen well-organized chapters, and the author provides thorough evidence-based documentation and references when available.
1 The Historical Record: Paleopathology, Physical Rehabilitation in Management of Arthritis by Joan M. Walker 2 Epidemiology and Economics of Arthritis by Antoine Helewa and Joan M. Walker 3 Pathophysiology of Inflammation, Repair, and Immobility by Joan M. Walker 4 Diagnosis and Medical Management of Conditions with Arthritis by Peter Lee 5 Assessment of Joint Disease by Hugh A. Smythe and Antoine Helewa 6 Pharmacology by Priti Flanagan and Joan M. Walker 7 Surgical Interventions by Mary Ann Keenan and Douglas Palma 8 Management of the Child and Adolescent with Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis by F. Virginia Wright and Elaine Smith 9 Management of Persons with Rheumatoid Arthritis and Other Inflammatory Conditions by Antoine Helewa 10 Management of Persons with Ankylosing Spondylitis by Barbara Stokes 11 Management of Persons with Osteoarthritis by Carolee Moncur 12 Management of Persons with Chronic Muscle Pain Syndromes by Roger A. Scudds and Rhonda J. Scudds and Katherine Harman 13 Health and Physical Fitness for the Client with Multiple Joint Involvement by Marian A. Minor 14 Splinting, Orthotics, and Lifestyle Factors by Susan L. Street 15 Psychosocial Factors in Arthritis by Donna J. Hawley 16 Community-Based Physical Rehabilitation by Barbara Stokes 17 Special Topics in Clinical Research and Health Status Instruments by Antoine HelewaAPPENDICES I Resources II Health Status Assessment Instruments in Common Use III Bibliography IV Glossary