Peter Rabbit My First Little Library 彼得兔
Potter, Beatrix
"My First Learning Library" contains four chunky board books
that introduce the youngest children to early concepts. The titles
are: Words, Numbers, Shapes and Colours. The palette is soft and
illustrations are in the classic Potter style. Each double page
contains a single illustration and just one simple word. These
hard-wearing board books will soon become firm family favourites,
and are the perfect introduction for very young children to the
wonderful world of Beatrix Potter.
Beatrix Potter is regarded as one of the world's best-loved
children's authors of all time. From her first book, The Tale of
Peter Rabbit, published by Frederick Warne in 1902, she went on to
create a series of stories based around animal characters including
Mrs. Tiggy-winkle, Benjamin Bunny, Jemima Puddle-duck, Mr. Jeremy
Fisher and Tom Kitten. Her humorous, lively tales and beautiful
illustrations have become a natural part of childhood. Today
Beatrix Potter's original 23 tales are still published by Frederick
Warne, alongside a wide range of other formats including baby
books, activity books and gift and sound books.
Peter Rabbit My First Little Library 彼得兔 PDF格式下载
很精致 很小巧 卡板质量很好
共有四本全英文认读书:数字、颜色、形状等。for all ages 的小朋友的书。
这套书非常的好。建议大家打折的时候买。以大人的眼光:大家会觉得如此小的一套书,一共四本,每本只有10个左右画面,那是多么昂贵的书呀。以孩子的眼光:我们家不到3岁的女宝非常之喜欢,她会说:“妈妈,我那套小书呢?”吐槽:要是有5本就好了。我们小兔说:“爸爸一本,妈妈一本”,跑去厨房给外婆一本,然后去给看电视的外公一本。。。“咦,没有了。。。”小兔说。“那你拿个盒子吧”。。。^^ 小兔妈妈说。我认为这套书是非常不错的:1. 设计者也许有个小小的孩子吧^^这是一套手掌大小的书;孩子可以非常轻松的拿在手上,而且是木板书,容易翻并且不会割到手。2.书的内容设计非常简单,可以让孩子自己去读。我非常惊喜的是我没有特意教过小兔认识图形,但是她居然自己第一次就说出:“这是菱形”,这太让我惊讶了,其实小孩应该有非常敏锐的洞察力和记忆力,只是大人经常会无意识的小瞧他们,检讨检讨。。。3.非常喜欢Peter的画风漂亮的图画,每幅图配1个单词,指示性非常强盒子的大用处 ^^“妈妈,你看我把书都插进去啦”小兔坐在床上,玩得很高兴。拿出一本,“1,2,3,4,4只蜜...蜂”。。。放回盒子里。。。看看,插的兔子倒了(书脊上有印字和图,有3个图在上面时),拿出来,换个方向,再插进去。。。。 阅读更多 ›