现代美国法律救济2006年案例补充Modern American Remedies 2006 Case Supplement
Aspen Pub
Laycock, Douglas
PrefaceChapter 2 Paying for Harm: Compensatory Damages A. The Basic Principle: Restoring Plaintiff to His Rightful Position B. Value as the Measure of the Rightful Position C. Reliance and Expectancy as Measures of the Rightful Position Notes on the Measure of Damages in Fraud Cases D. Consequential Damages E. Limits on the Basic Principle 1. The Parties' Power to Specify the Remedy 2. Avoidable Consequences, Offsetting Benefits, and Collateral Sources 3. The Scope of Liability 5. Substantive Policy Goals F. Damages Where Value Cannot Be Measured in Dollars 1. Personal Injuries and Death Notes on Remedies for September 11 Victims 2. Dignitary and Constitutional Harms G. Taxes, Time, and the Value of Money More Notes on Remedies for September 11 VictimsChapter 3 Preventing Harm: The Measure of Injunctive Relief A. Preventive Injunctions B. Reparative Injunctions C. Structural Injunctions 1. The Scope of the Injunction When Issued b. Other Examples 2. Modifying InjunctionsChapter 4 Choosing Remedies A. Substitutionary or Specific Relief 1. Irreplaceable Losses 2. Burdens on Defendant or the Court eBay Inc. v. Mercexchange, LLC Notes on Confusion in the Supreme Court 3. Reasons of Substantive or Procedural Policy B. Preliminary or Permanent Relief C. Prospective or Retrospective Relief 1. Suits Against Officers in Their Official Capacities 2. Suits Against Officers in Their Personal CapacitiesChapter 5 Preventing Harm without Coercion:Declaratory Remedies A. Declaratory Judgments Notes on Federal Litigation After State-Court Judgments B. Quiet Title and the Like D. Declaratory Relief at Law 1. Nominal DamagesChapter 6 Benefit to Defendant as the Measure of Relief: Restitution A. Disgorging Profits 1. The Basic Principle B. Restitution and Contract 1. The Basics 2. New Frontiers, or Dead Ends? C. Tracing Defendant's Benefit: Restitution and Insolvency E. Rcplevin, Ejectment, and the LikeChapter 7 Punitive Remedies A. Punitive Damages 1. Common Law and Statutes 2. The Constitution State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co.v. Campbell Notes on the Constitutionality of Ptmitive Damages 3. Punitive Damages in Contract B. Other Punitive Remedies 1. Statutory Recoveries by Private Litigants 2. Civil Penalties Payable to the GovernmentChapter 8 Ancillary RemediesChapter 9 Remedial DefensesChapter 10 Remedies and Separation of Powers
现代美国法律救济2006年案例补充Modern American Remedies 2006 Case Supplement PDF格式下载