
New SAT Strategies for Super Busy Students: 10 Simple Steps (for Students Who Don't Want to Spend Their Whole Lives Preparing for the Test) (平装)

Chris Kensler Kaplan Publishing (2004年12月7日)



Kaplan Publishing (2004年12月7日)  


Chris Kensler  




Wtih this concise, easy-to-read guide, you can prepare yourself to tackle the New SAT in no time. Follow Kaplan's 10 simple steps, and you won't have to put the rest of your life on hold to get ready for test day. In this guide you will: Learn how the New SAT is structured and how to tackle each section. Work on Critical Reading, Writing, and Math skills. Master strategies for each question type. Build your vocabulary by studying word roots. Implement the Kaplan 4-step method for SAT essay success . Review the 100 most important math concepts . Find out how to avoid common math traps. Learn how to beat test stress. Practice on a full-length exam, complete with clear answer explanations for each question...all without giving up your life.


Chris Kensler,majord in English at Indiana University.He has written over a dozen books,covered a presidential campaign for a national news organization,and edited an arts and culture magazine.He is co-founder of the book packager Paper Airplane Projects with his wife and partner,Heather Kern.


About the AuthorPrefaceSection One:Understanding the SAT Step One:Get to Know the SAT Format Scoring The Three Sections General Test-Taking StrategiesSection Two:Understanding the Cittical Reading Section Step Two:Sentence Completion Questions The Gist of IT How to Get a High Score Practice Answers and Explanations Step Three:Reding Comprehension Questions The Gist of It How to Get a High Score Kaplans Five-Step Method for Reading Comprehension Questions When Time is Running Out Practice Answers and ExplanationsSection Three:Understanding the Writing Section Step Four:The Essay The Gist of It How to Get a High Score Practice Sample Essays Step Five:Multiple-Choice Questions The Gist of It How to Get a High Score Practice Answers and ExplanationsStep Six:The 21 Most Common Grammar Errors 16 Most Common Usage Errors Common Mistake1:Subject-Verb Agreement:When Subject Follows Verb Common Mistake2:Subject-Verb Agreement:When Subject and Verb Are Separated Common Mistake3: Subject-Verb Agreement:When the Subject Seems Plural Common Mistake4:Confusion of Simple Past and Past Participle Common Mistake5:Confusion of Infinitive and Gerund Common Mistake6:Nonidiomatic Prepostion After Verb Common Mistake7:Wrong Word Common Mistake8:Wrong Tense Common Mistake9:Number Agreement Problems Common Mistake10:Pronoun in the Wrong Number Common Mistake11:Pronoun in the Wrong Case in Compound Noun Phrases Common Mistake12:Pronoun Shift Common Mistake13:Pronoun with Ambiguous Reference Common Mistake14:Faulty Comparison Common Mistake15:Misuse of Adjective or Adverb Common Mistake16:Double Negative 5 Most Common Sentence Correction Errors ……Section Four:Understanding the Math SectionSection Five:Final PreparationsSection Six:Take the Practice TestSection Seven:Super Busy Resources




New SAT Strategies for Super Busy Students: 10 Simple Steps (for Students Who Don't Want to Spend Their Whole Lives Preparing for the Test) (平装) PDF格式下载
