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Here is a spectacular and informative guide to whales, dolphins, seals, and manatees. Superb colour photographs of dolphins, killer whales,walruses, and more, offer a unique "eyewitness" view of these mysterious sea creatures - what they look like, how they behave, and their battle for survival.
Marine mammalsWhale evolutionWhales big and smallInside the whaleSeals and sea lionsSuited to life in the seaOcean giantsTeeth for grasping......and baleen for filteringClicks, barks, and songsCourtship and birthSocial lifeDolphins and porpoisesThe killer whaleThe amazing narwhalThe sperm whaleThe elephant sealI am the walrusSea cowsHunting the mighty whaleWhaling in the 20th centuryOils, brushes, and corsetsSeal huntingMyths and legendsStrandings and whale watchingFishing and pollutionStudying sea mammalsSave the whale!Index