
世界级培训师 World Class Trainer's Set

Pfeiffer, J. William John Wiley & Sons



John Wiley & Sons  


Pfeiffer, J. William  




90 World-Class Activities by 90 World-Class Trainers gathers classic activities from ninety master trainers in one convenient place. The stellar list of trainers includes Bellman, Blanchard, Booher, Crum, de Bono, Kouzes, Masie, Pike, Robinson, Scannell, Silberman, Thiagi, Zenger, and 77 other names you'll know. Elaine Biech (editor of the Pfeiffer Annuals and author of Training for Dummies) has gathered a powerful and exciting collection of activities from around the globe. The sixteen topics include change management, coaching, diversity, leadership, and teamwork. This invaluable resource presents the favorite activities of some of the most talented trainers in the world—all seven continents are represented. All of these activities have stood the test of time and are presented here for your use to engage teams and groups in collaborative learning. The contributors provide helpful suggestions for adapting the activities to a particular setting or audience and present ideas for adding zest to their favorite activities to ensure that you are as successful with them as they have been. The book is filled with experience and expertise. Combined, the contributors have written and edited almost 800 books and over 3,700 articles and have received hundreds of awards. Many are members of the HRD Hall of Fame and they advise some of the largest organizations in the world. Draw on their expertise and implement several of the activities. Your success is guaranteed. 作者简介:  Elaine Biech is the author and editor of more than three dozen books, including The Business of Consulting, Marketing Your Consulting Services, and The Consultant's Quick Start Guide, all published by Pfeiffer. She is president of ebb associates inc, an organizational development firm that helps organizations work through large-scale change. She has been in the training and consulting field for twenty-six years and conducts strategic planning sessions, facilitates team building, and implements corporate-wide systems.


Presenting...Section 1:Training and Consulting Topics Chapter 1: Change Management  Choosing Structure to Fit Intention  Benefits and Risks  Change—But Don’t Drop the Customer  Hot Buttons Chapter 2: Coaching,Mentoring, and Feedback  How to Be Impressive When Meeting Someone New   Admiration/Fantasy Exercise   360 Feedback   The Last Time You Were Appreciated Chapter 3: Communication  The Truth Be Known   Learn to Drive a Motorcycle—with Style  Hello! Hello! Can You Hear Me Now?!   Picture That  Mute Instructions  Domination Identification   Metaphorically Speaking   Open Their Fists   Line Up!   Four Facts  The Shape of Things to Come Chapter 4: Conflict and Collaboration  Force Follows Force Blindly   The Cost of Conflict  Resolving Conflict: Easy as ABCD   Magic Matters  Cross the Line Chapter 5: Creativity  Creativity and Collaboration Eggsperiment  Doubling Up on Creativity ……Section 2: Training Tools and skill DevelopmentAbout the Editor




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