亚太赌博业Casino Industry in Asia Pacific
Haworth Pr Inc
Hsu, Cathy H. C. (EDT)
This valuable resource thoroughly details the history, operational issues, and impact of casino gaming in Australia, Korea, Macao, and Southeast Asia. International authorities discuss crucial issues that involve policymakers and casino developers, allowing industry players a global perspective as they consider various important viewpoints in their long-range planning. In the "Operation" section, each chapter analyzes an important casino operational issue, including regulations, licensing and due diligence, internal control and auditing, and rolling commissions. Another section reviews the economic and social impacts for various regions Chinese culture and gaming ore also examined in detail to illustrate the intertwined relationship between gaming and daily life. Extensive bibliographies, helpful tables, and fascinating photographs are also included. "THE DEFINITIVE WORK ON ASIA PACIFIC GAMING. The editor has compiled a text blending cuffing-edge academic researchers with world-renowned industry practitioners and experts who are working in the Asia Pacific casino industry. They provide on accurate account of the current and future state of the Asia Pacific gaming industry. AN EXCELLENT RESOURCE BOOK Covers all the countries that are players, wonnobe players, and soon-to-be players in the casino industry."
About the Editor Contributors PrefaceSECTION 1:HISTORY,DEVELOPMENT,AND LEGISLATION Chapter 1 Casino History,Development,and Legislation in Australia Chapter 2 History ,Development,and Legalization Chapter 3 Casino Gambling in Macao:Through Legalization to Liberalization Chapter 4 Gambling in Japan Chapter 5 Gaming in Southeast AsiaSECTION 2:OPERATION Chapter 6 Essentials of Effective Regulation:Suggestions for Asian Gaming Jurisdictions Chapter 7 Casoni Licensing Investgations Chapter 8 Accounting ,Internal Controls ,and Casino Auditing Chapter 9 Nonnegotiable Chips:Their Use and Cost SECTION 3:GAMING AND SOCIETY Chapter 10 Social Impacts of Gambling in Australia Chapter 11 Economics of Australian Casinos Chapter 12 Impacts of Casinos in Korea Chapter 13 Gambling and Chinese Culture Index
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