末日格局Not Just Another Scenario: A Scenario For The End Of Days
ShaarNun Productions
Pinchas Winston
By David King
One of the reasons why NJAS has been so appealing to countless readers is because of its loyalty to mainstream Jewish tradition regarding the concept of Moshiach and the End-of-Days, unlike the other two books. Furthermore, in true Pinchas Winston style, the author has once again taken very deep and profound concepts and made them palatable for those knowledgeable about such ideas and for those who are not.
Furthermore, one should not mistake clarity of thought for simplicity. As well, I don't think the author of NJAS was interested in creating a surprise ending, but rather, he seems instead to have wanted to show how "predictable" tradition could come true even in our day-and-age. In my opinion, he has done this and has done this surprisingly well.
In fact, not only is this book well-written and credible, but uncannily current historical events are unfolding in a way very similar to what Rabbi Winston has portrayed a year prior to their occurring! This, I am told by others, is another reason why "Not Just Another Scenario" is so appealing and inspiring.
As a final note, I have no doubt that Rabbi Winston is capable of writing a spy-thriller that could rival some of the best from the secular world. However, the concept of Moshiach and the End-of-Days is not fictional; they are very serious ideas with huge ramifications for all of mankind. Rabbi Winston, who apparently is well-versed in the Kabbalistic understanding of these central tenets of Orthodox Judaism has done a masterful job of revealing them in so short a book while interweaving them with modern day events and issues.
"Not Just Another Scenario" is a great book to act as one's guide through these turbulent times of ours, and a tremendous source of hope and inspiration for better times as well.
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Based upon mainstream Jewish sources, the book is a fiction-based-upon-fact novel about an "End of Days" scenario. The plot takes into account the present political situation in the Middle-East, and projects how it could lead to the Messianic Era.
Most 'End times' books one reads are based on current and past political and/or economic/social events or on interpretations taken from English translations of the Bible. What makes this book different is that it seems to be written by someone steeped in the original Hebrew prophetic tradition, direct from the original texts. It is also a thundering good read that keeps one's attention throughout -- as all good action novels should. The characters are all eminently plausible and, taking recent occurrences into account, so are the interlacing scenarios. I recommend this book highly for anyone interested in a spiritual aspect behind world events. It certainly inspired me to take my spiritual life just that little bit more seriously ... for who knows, it may in itself be largely prophetic ...