矿石袖手册A Pocket Guide to rocks & Minerale
Oversea Publishing House
Lagomarsino, James (NA)
Ever since the Earth's crust first began cooling from a molten mass into a solid form, rockshave been a feature of the terrestrial landscape. Within them many fascinating minerals can be found---some, like gold nuggets and diamonds are valuable objects in their own right. Others,such as the ores of many metals, are commercially important resources. Most, however, are of more esoteric interest, and have little significant value beyond that of specimens. Their real worth is as fascinating objects that can be studied by everyone, regardless of age or ability. An interest in them can be awakened in a number of ways——it may be as the result of examining gemstones, or it may simply arise from wondering just how natural features such as cliffs and valleys are formed. No matter what the inspiration, the subject is broad enough to stimulate a lifelong involvement, either as an amateur or as a professional. Collecting these wonders of nature is a superb activity for everybody, and one which grows with the individual person, It is also a pastime that need not cost very much to get involved in--after all, we are surrounded at all times by rocks of one form or another. This book examines a number of key features such as exactly what rocks and minerals are composed of, how they differ from one another, how hey can be identified, and what the main defining characteristics are. These include such things as color, hardness, cleavage, fracture, crystal form, specific gravity, lustre, streak, and where they are found.
INTRODUCTION Is it a Rock or a Mineral? Composition Characteristics Color Hardness Cleavage Fracture Crystals Specific Gravity Luster Streak Occurrence and Localities Identification and ID Key Property Chart Rock and Mineral Collecting Equipment for use in the Field Equipment for use at Home Storing Specimens The Rock Cycle Geological TimelinesCARBONATES Malachite Azurite Calcite Red Calcite Blue Calcite Iceland Spar Smithsonite Aragonite Cerussite White CerussiteELEMENTS Native Silver Native Gohl Native Copper Native Arsenic Native Bismuth Diamond Graphite Native SulphurHALIDESOXIDESPHOSPHATESSULPHATESSULPHIDESSILICATESORGANICSMETAMORPHIC ROCKSSEDIMENTARY ROCKSIGNEOUS ROCKSGlossaryIndexPicture Credits
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