Sierra Club Books for Children (1998年7月1日)
Madanjeet Singh
The sun is the one energy source that sustains and links all life. Ancient societies paid homage to the sun as a symbol of truth, justice and equality, as thefountainhead of wisdom, compassion and enlightenment, as the healer of physical and spiritual maladies, and, above all, as the source of fertility, growth, renewal and peace with nature. Solar energy takes many different forms. The heat of the atmosphere, derived from absorbed solar energy, powers the winds and the cycle of evaporation and precipitation. Wind energy can be harnessed with turbines, just as running water from rain and melting snow is the energy source for hydroelectric power. The wind blowing across oceans and lakes transfers some of its energy to the water below to form waves which, like the tides,may generate power. The energy in biomass is derived from plants and photosynthetic micro-organisms, which use the energy of sunlight to synthesize organic compounds whose chemical energy is released when they are burned. Even the energy in fossil fuels is actually solar energy that was first stored as Chemical energy in biomass and then transformed into coal, oil or gas over millions of years. Today renewable solar energy is recognized by many populations as being in harmony with their cultural traditions because of its peaceful and environmentally friendly associations. By reuniting science and culture, and by making effective use of what might be termed "the ultural tools of solar technology", sustainable solar energy seems poised to become the principal nergy of the future. The efficient and economical use of solar energy derived from the biomass, from wind and ocean power,from small hydroelectric facilities, from thermal,geothermal sources, and from photovoltaic and non nuclear hydrogen energy may well enable the world to satisfy most of its energy requirements.
Preface-Federico Mayor The Energy of the Sun Red Energy of Muscle Power Black Energy of Fossil Fuels Green Energy of Biomass Invisible Energy of the Wind Transparent Energy of Water Blue Enetgy of the Ocean Orange Energy of the Geothermal Pure Energy of Mirrors Industrial Stone Age Traditional Low Energy Architecture Nimbus of Photovoltaic Energy Photovoltaic Lifestyle Cosmic Energy of Hydrogen Solar Energy Transimssion in Space Culture of Helioterchology