
Feng Shui Demystified (精装)

Clear Englebert Crossing Press (2000年8月30日)



Crossing Press (2000年8月30日)  


Clear Englebert  




Feng shui is the 3,000-year-old Chinese art that looks at how objects affect energy, an important concern when arranging furniture, building a home, or planting a garden. There are several different variations of feng shui, which has led to confusion about its most basic principles. Clear Englebert explains the differences and then discusses how to put feng shui into practice. He addresses concerns about architectural features such as doors and windows, about finding the right place to situate beds and other furniture, and about landscaping. Other topics include removing clutter, creating empowered positions, avoiding "poison arrows," and what to know about clocks, mirrors, glass, air circulation, and the five elements. Straightforward and comprehensive, this guide enables anyone to practice the art of feng shui for a more peaceful and harmonious living environment.


PrefaceIntroductionCHAPTER 1 The Exterior Approach Front Door Foreboding Objects Lay of the LandCHAPTER 2 Chi Flow Loss of Chi Clutter Empowered Positions Other Positions Poison Arrows Attracting ChiCHAPTER 3 jntroduction to the Bagua Chart of Bagua Areas Elemental CyclesCHAPTER 4 The Bagua in Place Applying the Bagua Individual Bagua Areas Bathroom Location FireplacesCHAPTER 5 Extensions and Missing Areas Bringing Back a Missing Area Window BoxesCHAPTER 6 Architectural Features Doors Windows Poles Kitchens home Offices Bedrooms Highrise Apartments Air CirculationCHAPTER 7 Furniture and Household Objects Beds Glass Tabletops Altars Clocks Mirrors Symbolism Living Room FurnishingsCHAPTER 8  Other Considerations Yin/Yang Moving Locating a New Home Repairs and Renovations Guests Pregnancy The Number Four Organizing Vibrational Cleansing Used Objects Non-Feng Shui Techniques ……CHAPTER 9 GardeningCHAPTER 10 Retail StoresCHAPTER 11 OfficesCHAPTER 12 VehiclesAppendix Ⅰ Recommended BooksAppendix Ⅱ GlossaryAppendix Ⅲ Chinese Astrological Signs and Elements




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