John Wiley & Sons
Nils-Göran Olve 著
ExpressExec is a unique business resource of one hundred books.These books present the best current thinking and span the entire range of contemporary business practice.Each book gives you the key concepts behind the subject and the techniques to implement the ideas effectively,together with lessons from benchmark companies and ideas from the world's smartest thinkers. ExpressExec is organised into ten core subject areas making it easy to find the information you need: 01 Innovation 02 Enterprise 03 Strategy 04 Marketing 05 Finance 06 Operations and Technology 07 Organizations 08 Leading 09 People 10 Life and Work ExpressExec is a perfect learning solution for people who need to master the latest business thinking and practice quickly.
NILS-GÖ RAN OLVE is Adjunct Professor at Linköping University and a partner in Concours Cepro,a Stockholm consultancy.His previous book on the Balanced Scorecard,Performance Drivers,was published in eight languages.
Introduction to ExpressExec03.08.01 Introduction to Balanced Scorecard03.08.02 Definition of Terms: What is a Balanced Scorecard?03.08.03 The Evolution03.08.04 The E-Dimension03.08.05 The Global Dimension03.08.06 The State of the Art03.08.07 In Practice03.08.08 Key Concepts and Thinkers03.08.09 Resources03.08.10 Ten Steps to Making Strategy WorkFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)Index
平衡的计分卡-战略03.08 /THE BALANCED SCORECARD - STRATEGY 03.08 PDF格式下载