Advances in Intelligent Computing智能计算进展
De-Shuang Huang 著
The two-volume set LNCS 3644 and LNCS 3645 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Computing, ICIC 2005, held in Hefei, China, in August 2005. The program committee selected 215 carefully revised full papers for presentation in two volumes from over 2000 submissions, based on rigorous peer reviews. The first volume includes all the contributions related with perceptual and pattern recognition, informatics theories and applications computational neuroscience and bioscience, models and methods, and learning systems. The second volume collects the papers related with genomics and proteomics, adaptation and decision making, applications and hardware, and other applications.
Genomics and Proteomics Protein Secondary Structure Prediction Using Sequence Profile and Conserved Domain Profile Correlating Genes and Functions to Human Disease by Systematic Differential Analysis of Expression Profiles On the Evolvement of Extended Continuous Event Graphs Combined Literature Mining and Gene Expression Analysis for Codeling Neuro-endocrine-immune Interactions Mean Shift and Morphology Based Segmentation Scheme for DNA Microarray Images The Cluster Distribution of Regulatory Motifs of Transcription in Yeast Introns E-Coli Promoter Recognition Using Neural Networks with Feature Selection Improve Capability of DNA Automaton: DNA Automaton with Three Internal States and Tape Head Move in Two Directions A DNA Based Evolutionary Algorithm for the Minimal Set CoverProblem DNA Computing Model of Graph Isomorphism Based on Three Dimensional DNA Graph Structures A DNA-Based Genetic Algorithm Implementation for Graph Coloring ProblemAdaptation and Decision Making Studies on the Minimum Initial Marking of a Class of Hybrid Timed Petri Nets A Fuzzy Neural Network System Based on Generalized Class Cover and Particle Swarm Optimization Simulation-Based Optimization of Singularly Perturbed Markov Reward Processes with States Aggregation Semi-active Control for Eccentric Structures with MR Damper by Hybrid Intelligent Algorithm Control Chaos in Brushless DC Motor via Piecewise Quadratic State Feedback Support Vector Machine Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems Improved GLR Parsing Algorithm Locomotion Control of Distributed Self-reconfigurable Robot Based on Cellular Automata Improvements to the Conventional Layer-by-Layer BP Algorithm An Intelligent Assistant for Public Transport Management……Applications and HardwareUrthor Index
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