应用可靠构件的基础结构系统/会议论文集Architecting systems with
Reussner, Ralf H.; Stafford, Judith A.; Szyperski, Clemens A.
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the International Dagstuhl-Seminar on Architecting Systems with Trustworthy Components, held in Dagstuhl Castle, Germany, in December 2004. The 10 revised full papers presented together with 5 invited papers contributed by outstanding researchers were carefully selected and included in the book reflecting ongoing impovement from the seminar. Core problems addressed by the seminar are measurement and normalization of non-functional properties, modular reasoning over non-functional properties, capture of component requirements in interfaces and protocols, interference and synergy of top-down and bottom-up aspects, duality of componentization and architecture, system properties, and opportunities for correctness by construction/static checking.
Invited Articles Audition of Web Services for Testing Conformance to Open Specified Protocols A Core Theory of Interfaces and Architecture and Its Impact on Object Orientation Making Specifications Complete Through Models Bus Scheduling for TDL Components Refinement and Consistency in Component Models with Multiple ViewsArticles by Participants A Taxonomy on Component-Based Software Engineering Methods Unifying Hardware and Software Components for Embedded System Development On the Composition of Comoositional Reasoning Trustworthy Instantiation of Frameworks Performance Prediction of Component-Based Systems-A Survey form an Engineering Perspective Towards an Engineering Approach to Component Adaptation Compatible Component Upgrades Through Smart Component Swapping Exceptions in Component Interaction Protocols - Necessity Coalgebraic Semantics for Component Systems A Type Theoretic Framework for Formal MetamodellingAuthor Index
应用可靠构件的基础结构系统/会议论文集Architecting systems with PDF格式下载