

Staab, Steffen (EDT)/ Svatek, Vojtech (EDT) Springer Verlag



Springer Verlag  


Staab, Steffen (EDT)/ Svatek, Vojtech (EDT)  




This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management, EKAW 2006, held in Podebrady, Czech Republic in October 2006. The 17 revised full papers and 16 revised short papers presented together with 2 invited talks were carefully reviewed and selected from 119 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on knowledge acquisition, ontology engineering, ontology learning, ontology mapping and evolution, semantic search, user interfaces, knowledge discovery, semantics from networks and crowds, and applications.


Invited Talks Information and Influence in Social Networks Learning, Logic, and Probability: A Unified ViewKnowledge Acquisition KARaCAs: Knowledge Acquisition with Repertory Grids and Formal Concept Analysis for Dialog  System Construction Capturing Quantified Constraints in FOL, Through Interaction with a Relationship Graph Assisting Domain Experts to Formulate and Solve Constraint Satisfaction Problems Knowledge Acquisition Evaluation Using Simulated Experts Stochastic Foundations for the Case-Driven Acquisition of Classification Rules From Natural Language to Formal Proof Goal Reuse: Revisiting Sisyphus-VTOntology Engineering Role Organization Model in Hozo Verification and Refactoring of Ontologies with Rules Ontology Selection for the Real Semantic Web: How to Cover the Queen's Birthday Dinner? Ontology Engineering, Scientific Method and the Research AgendaOntology Learning Ontology Enrichment Through Automatic Semantic Annotation of On-Line Glossaries Discovering Semantic Sibling Groups from Web Documents with XTREEM-SG Designing and Evaluating Patterns for Ontology Enrichment from TextsOntology Mapping and Evolution Semantic Metrics Matching Unstructured Vocabularies Using a Background Ontology Distributed Multi-contextual Ontology Evolution A Step Towards Semantic Autonomy……Semantic SerchUser InterfacesKnowsledge DiscoverySemantics from Networks and CrowdsApplicationsPosters and DemosAuthor Index




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