Fan Qingkui
《科学计算前沿进展(英文版)》内容主要包括:Dispersive Effects of Discontinuous Galerkin FEM for Acoustics Adaptive Finite Element Mesh-Refining Algorithm for L2-error control;High Order Eno Conservative Remapping Method on Staggered Grids for ALE Methods: A Review and an Alternative Momentum Remapping等。
Invited talks Dispersive Effects of Discontinuous Galerkin FEM for Acoustics Adaptive Finite Element Mesh-Refining Algorithm for L2-error control High Order Eno Conservative Remapping Method on Staggered Grids for ALE Methods: A Review and an Alternative Momentum Remapping Jacobi-Spherical Harmonic Spectral Method of Navier-Stokes Equation On Uniqueness in Inverse Acoustic Obstacle Scatterings Some Open Problems on Finite Element Methods for Optimal Control Problems Adaptive Solution of PDE-Constrained Optimal Control Problems Semi-Lagrangian Contouring And Elliptic Systems With Complex Moving Interfaces A Comparison of High Resolution Schemes for Hypersonic Chemically Reacting Flows Review on Doi-Onsager Model in Polymeric FluidsContributed Talks Numerical Coupling of Two-Phase Flows Spatial Resolution Properties of Mapped Spectral Chebyshev Methods Restoring Halftoned Color-Quantized Images with Projection onto Convex Sets Variational Formulation of the Generalized Navier Boundary Condition Fast Fourier Transform on Multipoles (FFTM) Algorithm for Laplace Equation with Neumann Boundary Condition Development of Evaluation System for Numerical Algorithms to Solve Linear Equations Hidden Markov Model Based Recognition of Handwritten Tamil Characters Numerical Simulation of Generalized KP Type Equations with Small Dispersion Hexagonal Spectral Methods for Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flows High-Resolution Non-Oscillatory Central Schemes for Multidimensional Hyperbolic Conservation Laws Iterative Penalty Methods for Navier-Stokes Equations A Block Preconditioned for an Electromagnetic FE-BE Coupling Problem in R3 Solving Variation Image Denoising Problems Using Limited Memory Bundle Method Super consistency Property for Neoconservative Operator Approximation Application to Compressible Multifluid Flow……