《英语国家概况》是英语专业学生必修的一门基础知识课程,目的是让学生熟悉英语国家的地理、历史、经济、文化、教育等一般知识,丰富文化修养,加深对语言和文学的理解,提高分析与辨别的能力。通过对本课程的学习,学生应该对英语国家的历史和现状,以及它们的社会发展及其趋势有较好的理解。除掌握有关国家的一些最基本的知识外,学生还可以提高对社会科学类英文书籍的阅读能力。 本书除英美两部分各六章外,对澳大利亚、加拿大及新西兰也作了简单的介绍。全书除历史部分外,均尽可能使用最新资料。对所涉及国家的情况,尽可能做到客观介绍,避免主观评述。 长期以来,英语专业的同学在获得英语语言知识与技能的同时,很大程度上忽视了对背景文化的了解与感悟。语言是文化的载体,语言产生于文化的土壤,不了解目标文化背景是不可能知道生活在那片土地上的人们及他们的行为、习惯、价值观及信念,更不可能去掌握他们的语言及进行文学批判。 英语的发展史在某种程度上就是西方文化的发展历史,而英语国家的发展历史在某种程度上也代表了西方文明的发展史。在当今全球一体化的时代背景下,英语国家所处的国际地位及影响也让他们成为其他国家了解的重要对象之一。当我们意识到跨文化交际的必要性及紧迫性时,我们了解其他国家,尤其是英语国家就显得尤其重要。 本书由杨涛、王永明任主编,寸丽元、朱宏华、朱黎勇、林德福、胡德映、谢海燕任副主编。本书的体例结构由全体编写人员共同讨论决定,编写人员分工如下:寸丽元、王永明、孟重生编写第1章和第7章;胡德映、高风霞编写第2章和第8章;谢海燕、刘松眉编写第3章和第9章;林德福、赵俊姝、苏学忠编写第4章和第10章;李丹沽编写第5章;朱宏华、赵常友、陈嘉诚编写第6章和第12章;杨涛、余波编写第ll章;朱黎勇、何申英、付丽彬、饶赵平编写第13章~第29章;统稿工作由杨涛、寸丽元完成。 在本书编写过程中,我们得到美国佛蒙特大学王觉非教授,Janet Jamieson教授及Dick SweteItlitsch教授的支持与帮助,他们不仅为我们提供了最新的资料,还审阅了全书,在此我们向他们表示深深的感谢。 同时,本教材在编写过程中也得到科学出版社的大力支持,在此我们表示衷心的感谢。同时,对于给我们提出过宝贵意见和建议的广大师生也一并致谢。 由于时间仓促,编者水平有限,书中难免存在不足,欢迎广大读者不吝赐教。
本书内容丰富,资料翔实,图文并茂,选用了最新信息及数据,内容涵盖了英国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚、新西兰等国的地理、历史、政治、经济、教育、文化等各方面。另外,本书每个章节后都附有讨论题,使读者在了解相关章节背景知识的同时,还有更为广阔的思考和评判空间。 本书可作为高等院校英语专业本科生的教材使用,同时也适合广大英语爱好者自学使用。
Section 1 The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland Chapter 1 Land and People in Britain I. Land II. People Chapter 2 British History I. Origin of the English Nation II. Feudalism in England III. The Industrial Revolution and the Chartist Movement IV. The Rise and Fall of the British Empire Chapter 3 National Economy I. Basic Framework II. The Government's Role in the Economy III. Industries IV. Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing V. The Service Sector VI. Foreign Trade Chapter 4 British Government and Politics I. British Government II. British Politics Chapter 5 British Education System I. Introduction II. The Purpose of the British Education System III. The National Curriculum IV. The Relationship between Education and Social Class V. The Influence of the Church on Schooling VI. The Present Education System VII. Teaching Method in UK Chapter 6 English Language, Religion and Beliefs I. The English Language II. Religion and BeliefsSection 2 The United States of America Chapter 7 Land and People in the United States I. Land of the Free II. The A IV. The Development of the American Government System V. The New Individualism: Interest Group Government VI. The Political Future of the United States Chapter 11 American Educational System and Schools I. General information of American Education II. The American Education System III. Education Philosophy IV. How to be a Good College Student? Chapter 12 American Values and Beliefs I. Mainstream American Values II. ReligionsSection 3 Canada Chapter 13 Land and People I. Land II. People Chapter 14 History and Culture I. History II. Culture Chapter 15 National Economy Chapter 16 Government I. Federal Government II. Provincial Governments III. Municipal Governments Chapter 17 EducationSection 4 Australia Chapter 18 Land and People I. Land II. People Chapter 19 History and Culture I. History II. Culture Chapter 20 Economy Chapter 21 Education Chapter 22 Political SystemSection 5 New Zealand Chapter 23 Land and People I. Geography II. Climate III. People Chapter 24 History and Political System I. History Chapter 28 Defense Chapter 29 Foreign Policy and Overseas AidBibliography
In its earliest days the Roman Catholic Church preached something the low classesneeded. It preached universal brotherhood and praised of poverty, chastity, and obedience. Ittaught people to work hard as a way to salvation. Monks, who were required to deny worldlypleasures, introduced better farming methods and set an example by their careful cultivationof the fields. Churches and monks also helped to preserve ancient culture because they ~opiedbooks from time to time. The church also preached charitable work, giving help to the needyand protecting the weak. Women used to enjoy special protection in the Western Worldbecause they were considered as the weak ;and the Virgin Mary was very popular. It is stillregarded as a moral obligation to help the handicapped and few people in the Westerncountries would look down upon them. The tradition has something to do with the influenceof the church and its doctrine.