杨玉晨 主编
语法是用概念意义和语境意义对不同语言形式进行解释的一组结构。语法分析框架是对形式、意义和使用相互联系所进行的分析(George Yule,1998)。语法学习关键在于学以敛用,语言形式不能脱离语言意义,语言意义依赖于语南环境。本教程以交际英语教学理论为指导,以任务型教学为主要教学方式,遵循“认识(Noticing/Awareness)→实践(Structuring)→再实践(Restructuring)→内化语法知识(Proceduralization)”的语言建构原则,通过新?知识的对比和交替使用,在对大量的真实语料的观察和语言交际活动巾,区别和牲定英语语法的意义和特征,使学生发现、建构和使用语法。 本教程共22个单元(其中包括20个教学单元和2个附加单元),主要包括:时态、词组与短语结构、情态、句子等(附加单元是对时态与篇章类型、篇章信息组合与句子排列方式所进行的总结,旨在帮助学生认识句子与篇章的关系,教师可根据需要选择使用)。该教程大约需要40~60学时来完成,教师可根据学生的不同情况选择使用教材的某些章节,也可根据授课时问压缩、省略或延长某些章节的学习时间等。
本教程共22个单元(其中包括20个教学单元和2个附加单元),主要包括:时态、词组与短语结构、情态、句子等(附加单元是对时态与篇章类型、篇章信息组合与句子排列方式所进行的总结,旨在帮助学生认识句子与篇章的关系,教师可根据需要选择使用)。 该教程的独到之处在于:没有枯燥无味的语法规则讲解,没有不可思议的语法术语记忆,教学内容大多来自于现实的语言生活,大量的语言输入给学生提供了分析语言和建构语法规则的真实语言环境。教学形式以课堂活动和任务为主线,大致可分为:认识和辨析语法现象阶段、学生建构语言规则阶段、学生知识扩展和语法重建阶段。全书编写的体例尽量保持了相对的一致性,但教学形式和任务会随单元教学内容的不同而不同。教材的选材、编排及教学方式方法力求做到实用、科学、多样、生动。
前言Pretest OnePretest TwoUnit 1 Present Simple/Present ProgressiveUnit 2 Present Perfect/Present Perfect ProgressiveUnit 3 Past Simple/Past Progressive and Past PerfectUnit 4 Past Perfect Continuous and "Would/Used to"Unit 5 Future Time (1): Future Simple and Its FormsUnit 6 Future Time (2): Future Continuous and Future PerfectUnit 7 Nouns and Articles (1): Countable and UncountableUnit 8 Nouns and Articles (2): Definite and IndefiniteUnit 9 ConjunctivesUnit 10 Gerund and InfinitivesSupplementary Unit A Tenses and Text TypesUnit 11 Modal Verbs (1): AbilityUnit 12 Modal Verbs (2): Obligation/Necessity, Prohibition, etcUnit 13 Modal Verbs (3): Making DeductionsUnit 14 Sentence Structure (1): Types of Sentence and Dependent ClausesUnit 15 Sentence Structure (2): Nominal, Relative and Adverbial ClausesUnit 16 Passive SentencesUnit 17 Conditionals for the Present and for the FutureUnit 18 Conditionals for the PastUnit 19 Inversion and Absolute ConstructionUnit 20 Subjunctive MoodSupplementary Unit B Information Ordering and Sentence ConstructionPosttest OnePosttest TwoKeysReferences
III. Correct the errors in the following sentences. (20%) 1. That old man has drunk beer all day. 2. We had got married in 1990, just a year after we fell in love 3. We had fixed the fridge. Now it works quite well. 4. There seemed to be a lot of traffics on the road. 5. A life isnt fair sometimes. 6. Breaking up water into hydrogen and oxygen is a good example of that is known as a chemical change. 7. The doctor insisted on that his patient take it easy for three months. 8. Who has read his great novels cannot forget his name. 9. Whichever your reasons are, I am confident you acted wisely. 10. Early yesterday, an accident was occurred on Xuezhe Road. IV. Put the words or phrases labeled A to T in the following box to complete the conversation below. (30%) A: Whats that? B: A lottery ticket.I bought it this morning on impulse. A: What would you do if you 1 all that money? B: I dont really know. If I were married and had children, I 2 most of it into a bank account, probably. But as I am still single ... A: By the way, have you heard? Julia and Simon are getting married soon. B: Really? When? A: Theyre not sure. If Julia can take a holiday in May, which shouldnt be a problem, they 3 then. If not, they probably 4 the wedding until August. B: Simon is only 19, isnt he? If people get married when they are very young, they of ten 5 it later on. It would be better if they both 6 until they were a bit older.