作为一本科学书籍,《病毒的起源与进化》可以再版,一方面说明第一版被广泛接受,同时也体现该书的内容符合当前这个充满活力的新领域的要求。与第一版一样,本书旨在反映病毒在宿主体内及病毒与宿主相互作用过程中的进化所使用的不同分子策略,短期进化与长期进化的复杂性及其与病毒性疾病的相关性。基于此,本书部分章节阐述了病毒多样性、进化、致病机制等基本概念和研究方法,采用大量的篇幅描述了一些特殊的病毒系统,例如动物病毒、植物病毒和细菌病毒。与此同时,本版还拓展了一些新的主题,包括病毒基因组的系统发生分析、易错复制的酶学基础、RNA干扰以及与高突变发生相关的细胞功能。另外关于病毒是如何起源的,病毒进化如何适应生物圈进化等历史观的内容得到保留并适当扩展,如增加了原始RNA世界和准种动力学的最新进展等。希望本书能够为读者提供丰富的信息并促进其研究工作。 众所周知,病毒的多样性和数量惊人,在阅读本书后对此会更加清晰。病毒多样性的关键在于单个病毒种群不是传统概念中由固定的基因组核苷酸序列构成,而是由相关基因组构成的异质性群体。对此,本书从生化和进化的角度进行了仔细的探索。早在36年前,ManfredEigen首次在一篇有影响力的文章中将准种的概念引入到病毒学领域,而极剧动态变化的病毒种群及相应的病毒进化与致病性是对这个概念的最佳注脚。此后Eigen的几位同事进一步发展了准种理论,他们中的一些人参与了本书相关章节的编写。准种理论代表复杂性概念引入到了病毒学。编著者希望突出准种理论对病毒学的重大意义,并将此卷献给ManfredEigen的80大寿以表我们的感激之情。
本书详尽描述了目前关于病毒进化的理论,主要探讨了病毒在宿主体内生存、进化以及引起疾病的分子机制。涵盖了人类、动物、植物和细菌病毒,不仅提供了病毒进化动力学的基础,还有病毒引发的典型新发疾病。 此外,本书还从医学和生态学角度阐述了一些宿主应答病毒的分子机制(如针对病毒高突变发生的编辑活性,RNA干扰)以及病毒进化在生物环境中的广泛影响(如细菌病毒之于海洋,病原和非病原性植物病毒之于农业,还有共生关系等)。 本书内容覆盖面广、理论权威、研讨深入、知识水平前沿,是从事病毒学和传染病学研究的工作者一本难待的参考书籍,也可以作病毒学和传染病学研究生课程的参考书,对从事分子生物学和进化理论研究的人员也具有参考和指导作用。 主要特点 ·包括了构建病毒问亲缘关系和研究病毒进化分子机制的方法 ·进化的理论概念与重要病毒种群详细的进化分析相结合 ·比较了细菌、植物、动物和人类病毒与其宿主之间的相互作用
RNA and protein molecules have been found to be both templates for replication and spe-ciffic catalysts for biochemical reactions. RNA molecules, although very difficult to obtain via plausible synthetic pathways under prebiotic conditions, are the only candidates for early replicons. Only they are obligatory templates for replication, which can conserve mutations and propagate them to forthcom- ing generations. RNA-based catalysts, called ribozymes, act with high efficiency and spe- cificity for all classes of reactions involved in the interconversion of RNA molecules such as cleavage and template-assisted ligation. The idea of an RNA world was conceived for a plausible prebiotic scenario of RNA molecules operating upon each other and constituting thereby a functional molecular organization. A theoretical account of molecular replication making precise the conditions under which one observes parabolic, exponential, or hyper- bolic growth is presented. Exponential growth is observed in a protein-assisted RNA world *Dedicated to Manfred Eigen, the pioneer of molec- ular evolution and intellectual father of quasispe- cies theory, on the occasion of his 80th birthday. where plus-minus (+) duplex formation is avoided by the action of an RNA replicase. Error propagation to forthcoming genera- tions is analyzed in the absence of selective by neutral mutants as well as for predefined degrees of neutrality. The concept of an error threshold for sufficiently precise replication and survival of populations derived from the theory of molecular quasispecies is dis- cussed. Computer simulations are used to model the interplay between adaptive evolu- tion and random drift. A model of evolution is proposed that allows for explicit handling of phenotypes. WHAT IS A REPLICON? Biologv and evolution in particular, are based on reproduction or multiplication and on vari- ation. Reproduction pure has the property of self-enhancement and leads to exponential growth. Self-enhancement in chemical reactions under isothermal conditions is tantamount to autocatalysis that, in its simplest form, corre- sponds to a reaction mechanism of the kind: