

白世贞,姚雷 主编 科学出版社





白世贞,姚雷 主编  




本教材以报关业务为主线,以“适用、实用”为原则选取海关职能、贸易术语、租船订舱、询发盘以及进出口报关过程中所涉及的各类英文单证、发票、合同等内容,摒除了学科式的编写体例,按照职业教育的特点精心选用和组织国内外报关领域各类英语素材。本书在编写上虽独立成章、章内分节,但又章章相连、节节紧扣,构成一个有机整体。希望学生学习后能读懂有关英文单证、发票、合同,与外商进行简单对话交流,更好地掌握报关技能。 本书可作为高职高专、大专院校相关专业教学用书,也可作为相关从业人员学习参考用书。


Unit 1 What Is China Customs 1.1 China Customs Organizations, Functions and Tasks 1.1.1 Customs General Administration 1.1.2 Customs Establishments 1.2 Customs Officer and the Passengers' Baggage Examination 1.2.1 Appearance and Image 1.2.2 Friendly Attitude and Good Judgment 1.2.3 Passenger Processing 1.2.4 Intelligence 1.2.5 Questioning and TactUnit 2 How Does Customs Supervise and Control 2.1 Customs Supervision and Control over Imports and Exports 2.1.1 How Does Customs Supervise and Control over Imported and Exported Cargo 2.1.2 How Does Customs Supervise and Control over Incoming and Outgoing Ships 2.2 Customs Control over Manufacture in Bond for ExportUnit 3 What Is International Trade Terms 3.1 Role of International Trade Terms 3.1.1 Introduction to Trade Terms 3.1.2 The Role of International Trade Terms in International Trade 3.2 International Trade Usages 3.2.1 Where Is International Trade Usages from 3.2.2 Understanding Incoterms 3.2.3 Warsaw--Oxford Rules 1932 3.2.4 Revised American Foreign Trade Definitions 1941 3.2.5 International Rules for the Interpretation of Trade Terms 3.3 A Guide to Incoterms 2000 3.3.1 Explanation of Terms in Incoterms 2000 3.3.2 Explanation of Group E 3.3.3 Explanation of Group F 3.3.4 Explanation of Group C 3.3.5 Explanation of Group DUnit 4 How Can We Make Inquiries and Quotation 4.1 Introduction to Inquiry and Quotation 4.1.1 What Is Inquiry 4.1.2 What Is Quotation 4.2 Cases of Inquiry and Quotation 4.2.1 Sea FCL Inquires and Quotation 4.2.2 Sea LCL & Air Inquires and Quotation 4.2.3 Tank Container Rate QuotationUnit 5 What Is Our Daily Cargo Messages and Operation 5.1 Sea LCL 5.2 SeaFCL 5.3 Sea-air Combination 5.4 Air ExportUnit 6 How Many Agreements Are Concerning Customs Brokerage 6.1 Introduction to Agent and Agency Agreement 6.1.1 Why Do We Have Agent 6.1.2 The Types of Agency 6.1.3 What Is Agency Agreement 6.2 Freight Agency Agreement 6.3 Customs Declaration Entrust Note 6.3.1 What Is Customs Declaration Entrust Note 6.3.2 How to Fill with Customs Declaration Entrust Note 6.4 Shipper's Letter of Instruction 6.4.1 What Is Shipper's Letter of Instruction 6.4.2 What Is the Liability of the Shipper 6.4.3 Contents of Shipper's Letter of Instruction 6.4.4 How to Fill Shipper's Letter of InstructionUnit 7 Which Government Documents Are Concerning Customs Brokerage 7.1 Import/Export License 7.1.1 Export License 7.1.2 Purpose and Process of Taking an Export License 7.1.3 Contents of an Export License 7.1.4 How to Fill an Export License 7.1.5 Import License 7.1.6 Purpose of Taking an Import License 7.2 Inspection Certificate 7.2.1 What Is Inspection 7.2.2 What Is Inspection Certificate 7.2.3 Inspection Certificate in Contract 7.2.4 Contents of an Inspection Certificate 7.3 Certificate of Origin 7.3.1 What Is Certificate of Origin 7.3.2 What Is Purpose of Taking A Certificate of Origin 7.3.3 What Is China Use Usually Nowadays 7.3.4 Contents of a Certificate of Origin 7.3.5 How to Fill a Certificate of OriginUnit 8 Which Commercial Documents Are Concerning Customs Brokerage" 8.1 Introduction of Customs Declaration Form (Entry) 8.1.1 What Is Customs Declaration Form 8.1.2 The Main Contents of Customs Declaration Form 8.1.3 How to Fill Customs Declaration Form 8.2 Letter of Credit 8.2.1 What Is A Letter of Credit 8.2.2 Parties to A letter of Credit 8.2.3 Contents of a Letter of Credit 8.2.4 A Method of Payment 8.2.5 Definition of Documentary Credit 8.2.6 Operation of Docurnentary Credit 8.2.7 How to Fill a L/C 8.3 Commercial Invoice & Customs/consular Invoice 8.3.1 The Commercial Invoice 8.3.2 Contents of a Commercial Invoice 8.3.3 How to Fill a Commercial Invoice 8.3.4 The Relationship with Declaration Form 8.3.5 Customs Invoice 8.3.6 Contents of a Customs Invoice 8.3.7 Consular Invoice 8.3.8 Contents of Consular Invoice 8.4 Insurance Policy 8.4.1 Why Should We Have Insurance 8.4.2 How Many Insurances 8.4.3 What Is the Purpose of Insurance 8.4.4 Insurance Policy 8.4.5 Contents of Insurance Policy 8.4.6 How to Fill a Insurance Policy 8.5 Packing List 8.5.1 What Is the Meaning and Function of Packing List 8.5.2 Contents of a Packing List 8.5.3 How to Fill a Packing ListUnit 9 Which Shipping Documents Are Concerning Customs Brokerage 9.1 Sea Bill of Lading 9.1.1 What Is Bill of Lading 9.1.2 What Are the Functions of Bill of Lading 9.1.3 Nature of the Bill of Lading 9.1.4 Contents of a Bill of Lading 9.1.5 How to Fill Sea Bill of Lading 9.2 Air Waybill 9.2.1 General Understanding of the Air Waybill 9.2.2 Contents of the Air Waybill 9.2.3 Functions of the Air Waybill 9.2.4 Air Waybill Cover 9.2.5 How to Fill Air Waybill 9.3 Railway Bill of Lading 9.3.1 Introduction to Railway Bill of Lading 9.3.2 Contents of Railway Bill of LadingAppendixReferences


  报关并非简单的向海关官员递单送审。一名成熟的、富有经验的报关从业者应当热爱报关工作,具有相当强的商品鉴别与归类能力,能够熟悉并合理运用海规海法,与相关人员良好沟通,同时掌握一定程度的英语。对高职高专学生而言,学习报关英语即为读懂有关英文单证、发票、合同,与外商进行简单的对话交流,这是本书出版的目的。  本书摒除了学科式的编写体例,在标题的设计、内容章节的安排和课后习题的编写方面设计情景,以行动为导向,注重结合职业教育的特点,力争为职业教育奉献精品。




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