《国家宝藏》展示了我馆的馆藏文物精品,是一个浓缩了中华历史的文物展览。其中,有展现汉字之源的殷墟甲骨,有精美绝伦的四羊方尊,有反映西周建国历史的利簋,也有雍容华贵的汉代金缕玉衣,以及出土于浙江的五代钱谬铁券等国宝级文物。展览将使宁波观众近距离接触这些稀世珍品,触摸历史的脉络,体会中华文化的源远流长。 中国国家博物馆在近百年的发展历程中,得到了社会各界尤其是兄弟博物馆的大力支持与帮助。现正值国家博物馆因扩建工程闭馆,这些馆藏重器才有机会走出北京,回报社会各界的长期厚爱。我相信本次展览的成功举办,必将增强广大观众对中华文明的了解与认识,扩大中国国家博物馆与兄弟博物馆之间的合作与交流。
贺辞 吕章中 弁言 陈佳强 前言 褚晓波 第一单元 上古文明 新石器时代(约公元前7000-前2000年) 第二单元 先秦礼乐 夏商周春秋战国时期(公元前2000-前221年) 第三单元 秦汉气象 秦汉六朝时期(公元前221-公元581年) 第四单元 盛世辉煌 隋唐五代十国时期(581-979年) 国宝编年国谱 后记
During the past millennia of splendid developments and dramatic vicissitudes, ourancestors handed down innumerable precious cultural heritages; the long-lasting and profoundChinese Civilization has important position in the history of the civilizations in the world. To welcome the "Expo 2010 Shanghai China" and make our patrons have abetter understanding to the essences of Chinese Civilization, we introduced the large-scale special exhibition "National Treasure" , all the 82 pieces (or sets) of exhibits ofwhich are the most representative relics selected from the 600,000 artifacts collectedin National Museum of China, and the renowned invaluable cultural heritages of ournation well-known from the history textbooks and every piece is worth the fame. Thisis an unprecedented great chance in Ningbo which can hardly be run into the secondtime in which we can personally enjoy so many rare treasures. The most noticeable ones are that the pottery pig figurine and the ivory birdsculpture, which are unearthed from Hemudu Site at Yuyao City in 1970s, also comeback to their birthplace to visit their folks.