

吴征镒 科学出版社









  The Chinese flora, with an estimated 31,500 species,is ofimmense scientific and horticultural importance. Noteworthy, too,is Chinese traditional medicine, which is based on the remarkable plant resources of the country. Descriptions andidentification keys for this diverse flora, until now unavailable in English, have been published over the past 18 years in the Flora of China,in conjunction with a separate series, the Flora of China Illustrations.Thirty-eight of the total of 48 text and illustration volumes have already been published, thanks to an unprecedented and long-startding collaboration between Western and Chinese scientists.    This is the largest single volume of the Flora of China, with more than 2,000 species described in 22 families. Among these, the Acanthaceae include the large genus Strobilanthes 028 species); the Adoxaceae include the horticulturallyimportant genus Viburnum; the Berberidaceae include the popular garden plants Epiinedium as well as Berberis (barberry) and Mahonia; the Campanulaceae (bellflower fanuly) include Campanula, Codonopsis, Cyananthus, and LobElia; the Caprifoliaceae include Lonicera (honeysuckle) and Leycesteria (Himalayan honeysuckle); the Cucurbitaceae:include various cultivated fruits and vegetables as well as many native species; the Lentibulariaceae include the carnivorous Pinguicula (butterwort) and Utricularia (bladder-wort); finally, the Rubiaceae is the largest family in this volume, with some 700 species,including species-rich genera such as Galium (bedstraw), Hedyotis, and Ophiorrhiza, as well as the Chineseendemic ornamental tree Emmenopterys henryi.


PrefaceIntroductionAcknowledgmentsCucurbitaceaeRubiaceaeAcanthaceaeCarlemanniaceaeLentibulariaceaeMyoporaceaePhrymaceaePlantaginaceaeSphenocleaceaeCampanulaceaePentaphragmataceaeStylidiaceaeGoodeniaceaeAdoxaceaeDiervillaceaeCaprifoliaceaeLinnaeaceaeMorinaceaeDipsacaceaeValerianaceaeAnnonaceaeBerberidaceaeList of Nomenclatural Novelties Published in this Volume of the Flora of ChinaIndex to Chinese NamesIndex to Pinyin NamesIndex to Scientific NamesIndex to Families in the Flora of China and the Flora Reipublicae Popularis SinicaePublished Volumes ofthe Flora of China and the Flora of China Illustrations


  Subshrubs, perennial, or annual herbs. Raphides present. Leaves opposite, usually with leaf like stipules in whorls of4-14, sessile to shortly petiolate, without domatia; leaf like stipules rarely reduced. Inflorescences thyrsoid, paniculiform to capitate, with terminal and often also axillary pedunculate to sessile cymes, bracteate with bracts often fused and sometimes in volucral. Flowerspedicellate to sessile, with prophylls, bisexual, monomorphic. Calyx limb reduced, practically absent. Corolla blue, pink, purple, oryellow to greenish or white, salver form, funnel form, campanulate, or sometimes rotate, glabrous inside; lobes 4 or 5, valvate in bud.Stamens 4 or 5, inserted in corolla tube, exserted (or sometimes included);filaments developed to short; anthers dorsifixed. Ovaryinferior (hypanthium), 2-celled, ovules 1 in each cell, erect and axile; stigma globose to clavate, ofien 2-lobed, included or exserted.Fruit schizocarpous, generally didymous, dry; mericarps2, indehiscent, with 1 seed, subglobose, ellipsoid-oblong, or reniform,smooth to tuberculate, glabr  us to pubescent (but never with uncinate hairs); seeds small, with membranous testa; endospermcorneous; embryo curved; cotyledons leaflike; radicle terete, hypogynous.   ……




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