作者:(美国)丹尼尔•L•普里策(Daniel L. Purich)
第一章 酶学导论
第二章 活性部位及其化学性质
第三章 化学动力学基础
第四章 测写初始速度和瓜参数的实际考考虑
第五章 单底物酶催化反应的始速度动力学
第六章 多底物酶催化反应的初始速度动力学
第七章 影响酶活力的因素
第八章 酶抑制剂的动力学行力
第九章 用同位素检测生物催化作用
第十章 检测快速酶过程
第十一章 酶的调节行为
第十二章 单分子酶动力学
第十三章 机械力酶:催化、力的产生和动力学
版权页:插图:to show that the rate of this reaction is linearly dependenton the concentration of sugar. Berthelot (1862) and Berthelot and de Saint-Gilles (1862) reached the same cnclusion from studies on e.thyl acetate hydrolysis, and such observations led Guldberg and Waage (1867; 1979) to postulate that chemical reactions must be highly dynamic, with reactants and products relentlessly interconverting into each other, even at equilibrium. In advancing this principle, widely known as the Law of Mass Action, they suggested that the rate in each direction of a reversiblereaction depends on reactant concentration (often expressed as the intensive variable molarity) and not the amount of substance (commonly given by the extensive variable mole). . As discussed at length in Chapter 3, the modernconceptual framework for the discipline known aschemical kinetics was founded late in the nineteenth century by the powerfully insightful contributions of theSwedish chemist Svante Arrhenius and the Germanchemist Jacob van't Hoff, who both became NobelLaureates 2in,chemistry. They and.German physical chemist Wilhelm Ostwald, the Nobelist credited for firstexpressmg reaction velocity as a change in reactant concentration per unit time (i.e., v = -d[Reactant]/dt),established the enduring concept that catalysts promote reactivity without altering the equilibrium position of the overall chemical reaction. These investigators recognizedthat thermodynamics constrains catalysis: after eachcatalytic round, the catalyst releases its product andtherefore cannt exert any cumulative effect on the reaction's standard Gibbs free energy change AGo. Thisdiscovery increased the determination of chemists to discover catalytic substances and even to design artificialcatalysts endowed with special properties. Speed and yield are the essence of catalysis, but the idea that one may impart reactivity to otherwise unreactive substances lies at the heart of modern chemical enterprises. Nowhere is this more evident than in the Work of Fritz Haber, thenotorious German chemical engineer5 and NobelLaureate. Haber's research team overcame the virtualinertness of dinitrogen by carrying out some 20,000 experiments, utilizing thousands of catalyst preparations under a wide range of reaction conditions. They eventu- ally settled on the use of iron filings to catalyze ammonia synthesis from N2 and H2 at high temperature (600-800K) and extreme pressure (300 atm).