本社 编著
7.Near Net Shape Processing
Net Shape Processing of Titanium Alloys for Enhanced Performance
and Improved Affordability
Synthesis of Amorphous/Nanocrystalline Ni-Ti Biomaterial Powders
by Mechanical Alloying
Single Press and Sinter of ITP Process Ti6A14V Powder
Layer Build of Titanium Alloy Complex-Geometry Components for
Rocket Engines
Optimization of Parameters for Pressureless Sintering of Titanium
and T1-6AI-4V Powders by a Taguchi Method
Beta Processing of T16Al4V-Microstructure and Properties
Simulating and Predicting the Process of Hot isostatic Pressing of
a Casing Part with Ti6A14V Powder
Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Laser Metal Deposited
Insights into the Formation of Titanium in the TiROTM
Microstructural Manipulation and Mechanical Properties of
T1-24Nb-42r-8Sn alloy Manufactured by Selective
8.Environmental Behavior
Development of Titanium Alloys with Corrosion Resistance in
Aqueous Fluoride Solutions
The Effect of High Temperature Oxidation on the Fatigue Fracture
Mechanism of T1-4Al-2V Alloy
Notched Tensile Fracture of Ti-6Al-4V Laser Welds at Elevated
Suppressing the Alpha-casing of Ti-alloys by a Combined Al-and
Solid Metal Induced Embrittlement of Titanium Alloys in Contact
with Copper
High Cycle Fatigue Properties of Ti-834 Following Prolonged
Thermal Exposure in air
The Research on the Mechanism and Prevention of Solid Particle
Erosion for Titanium Alloy
Corrosion Resistance and Hardness Properties of Electroless Ni-P
Coatings on T1-6Al-4V Titanium. Alloy
Influence of Hydrogen Environment on the Mechanical Properties of
Cast and-Electron Beam Melted T1-6Al-4V
Study on the Microstructure and Properties of T140 Titanium Alloy
by Thermo-hydrogenation Treatment
Characterization of TiNi Gas-atomized Powders and Thermally
Sprayed Coating
In Situ Formation of TiN Coating on TA2 Pure Titanium via Laser
Surface Nitriding
The Influence of Pre-oxidation in a Silica-powder Pack on the
Cyclic Oxidation Behavior of High Nb-TiAl
Titanium and rFitanium Alloy Coatings for Corrosion
Inoxidizability of NiCoCrAIY Coatings Deposited on Ti Alloys by
Magnetron Sputtering
Properties of Lanthanum Containing Free-machining Titanium Alloys
with Regard to Localized Corrosion
A Mechanism of Nickel Deposition on Titanium Substrate by High
Speed Electroplating
Anodization Replica of Precipitates in Age-Hardening Ti
Study of Surface Properties of Ti-6Al-4V with Double-glow Plasma
Non-hydrogen Carburizing
9.Aerospace Applications
Extending the Use of Titanium Alloys on A350XWB
Microstructure and Properties of the AICuFeCr Coating Magnetron
Sputtered on TIMETAL 834
Producing Titanium Alloys with Sub Microcrystalline Structure for
Manufacturing Parts of Turbine Engine
A Novel Approach For The Fabrication of High Performance Titanium
Alloy Laminate For Aerospace Application
10.Biomedical and Healthcare Applications
11.Emerging Applications and Market
12.Marine Applications
Author index
It should be noted that the proposed model has been successfully applied toquantitatively exhibit the dynamic evolution of a phase in TC17 titanium alloy with lamellar microstructure.Hence,the realization of quantification characterization about the evolution of lamellar a phase takes place of the traditional method that whether the globularizationphenomenon occurred.In the present in vestigation,with the help of the basic theory of stereology and quantitative metallogra-phy and analysis platform of quantification image soft-ware,a rigorous and available model of quantification of microstructural features was developed. Previously,the phase volume fraction was measured using area meth-od,and the mean intercept method was employed tome asure the grain and colony size. Based on the con-ventional methods mentioned above, a novel approachthat measuring the mean thickness of a laths in colonyusing Boolean operation is proposed in this work,which is shown in Figure 1. The feature parameters of micro-structures in titanium alloys extracted using this meth-od include phase volume fraction,grain size,thickness of Widmanstatten a laths, colony scale size, thickness and orientation of a phase. It not only reduces the errorwhich is associated with the lineation by users but alsoenhances the reliability of measured data. Moreover,inorder to unify the measurement standard of a phase in the basket weave,mixed and equiaxed microstructures of typical titanium alloys and take the continuity andsimplicity of quantification into consider ation,the eval-uated parameter of Feret Ratio was referred to present the evolution of c, phase and modeling the correlation of process,microstructure and mechanical property of ti-tanium alloys. The orientation of a phase was presentedby the angle to the primary axis of a phase and its ver-tical direction,which suggests that the characterizationmodel of evolution and orientation behavior in a phaseduring hot deformation of titanium alloys has been es-tablished,as shown in Figure 2. ……