面对波诡云谲的国际时局,《有机金属化学(原第2版 国际版)》作者根据多年的研究,从两部类模型出发,创新地发展了马克思主义经济学对债务危机进行“破局”,为人们观察、了解世界债务提供了一个全新的视角,为“中国模式”注入了新的内容,对世界经济形势进行前瞻性的思考。作者凭借深厚的学术功底及丰富的文史知识,从文化、历史、宗教、经济、政治、军事、地缘等方面展现了精彩纷呈的世界“大棋局”。
前言 这个世界怎么了?第一篇 危局,被债务绑架的世界第一章 债务危机汹汹来袭巅峰坠落,美国的惊人衰败欧洲,正在悬崖边缘日本是个无底洞中国没有例外第二章 无法破解的难题?是谁设置如此巨大的陷阱,李嘉图还是凯恩斯?美元的诅咒从次贷危机到债务危机,一场没有终点的救援世界经济将走向何方?下一个凯恩斯在哪里?第二篇 困局,债务危机冲击下的无序世界第三章 资本主义病入膏肓历史真的终结了吗?谁在制定先进与落后的标准民主,一场蓄意的骗局贫富悬殊,放任自由的幻灭高福利折腾完了,资本主义只剩下一具空壳第四章 坍塌的世界秩序打破平衡的临界点从G8到G20,权杖的移交阿拉伯成为关键先生“文明冲突”的冲突第三篇 谜局,揭开债务危机背后的重重魅影第五章 不能回避马克思破除“李嘉图恶习”老革命与新问题发展马克思主义经济学的突破口回到现实世界第六章 并不深奥的答案产业空心化,欧美不可承受之重望眼欲穿的科技革命掠夺难以为继贫富分化,从大萧条到债务危机的内在逻辑第四篇 破局,中国模式的成功与定型第七章 中国模式,破解危机的必然参照?德国为什么成为例外?中国如何成为债务危机中的中流砥柱中国经济成功的原因探析第八章 在历史中寻找未来古希腊的明灯约束资本的力量厘定政府的权力边界国家会计是重要的手段第五篇 大棋局,未来世界的格局和方向第九章 未来十年的走势复杂性世界的到来美国最终的选择——退回美洲俄罗斯大国梦破欧洲有没有机会把握未来?第十章 中国,如何实现“中央突围”中国的现实困境——逆全球化悄然临近高铁,中国战胜危机最现实的选择马克思主义经济学的旗帜要举多高?
版权页: 插图: An Overview of Organometallic Chemistry Organometallic chemistry, the chemistry of compounds containing metalcarbon bonds, is one of the most interesting and certainly most rapidly growing areas of chemical research. It encompasses a wide variety of chemical compounds and their reactions: compounds containing both sigma (σ) and pi(π) bonds between metal atoms and carbon; many cluster compounds, containing two or more metal-metal bonds; molecules containing carbon fragments that are unusual or unknown in orgaruc chemistry; and reactions that in some cases bear similarities to known organic reactions-and in other cases are dramaticallydifferent. Aside from their intrinsically interesting nature, many organometallic compounds form useful catalysts and, consequently, are of significant industrial interest. Over the past several years, organometallic reagents have played the role of promoting key steps in the total synthesis of numerous molecules, many of which are biologically active. 1-1 STRIKING DIFFERENCE Several examples illustrate how organometallic molecules are strikingly different from those encountered in classical inorganic and organic chemistry. Ligands of cyclic delocalized π systems (e.g., benzene or cyclopentadienyl) can teamup with metal atoms to form “sandwich" compounds with a metal sandwiched between them. Sometimes atoms of other elements, such as phosphorus or sulfur,can be included as well. Examples of these double- and multiple-decker sandwich compounds are shown in Figure 1-1. The structure and bonding of sandwich compounds will be discussed in Chapter 4. A characteristic of metal atoms bonded to organic ligands, especially CO (the most common of allligands in organometallic chemistry),is that they often exhibit the capacity to form covalent bonds to other metal atoms to form dinuclear complexes and polynuclear cluster compounds (some known cluster compounds contain no organic ligands). These clusters may contain only three metal atoms or as many as several dozen; there is no limit to their size or variety. Dinuclear complexes may contain single, double, triple, or even quadruple bonds between the metal atoms and may in some cases have ligands that bridge two or more of the metals. Examples of metal cluster compounds containing organic ligands are shown as structures a, b, and c in Figure 1-2; cluster complexes will be encountered again in Chapter 11.Carbon itself may play quite a different role than commonly encountered in organic chemistry. Certain metal clusters encapsulate carbon atoms; the resulting molecules, called carbide clusters, in some cases contain carbon bonded to five,six, or more surrounding metals. Figures 1-2d and e illustrate two examples of carbide clusters.
“……该书是有机金属化学的经典教科书,内容深入浅出……书中大量的练习题直接取自实际的研究工作……特别适合于第一次系统学习该课程的研究生和高年级本科生…… ——王剑波,北京大学化学与分子工程学院