Sudip K.Mazumder
无线网络基础控制从理论和实践的角度, 深入探讨了无线网络控制技术的核心概念以及无线网络信息交换处理等问题, 并提出了一系列严谨的解决方法。无线网络基础控制适合相关专业高年级本科生以及研究生使用。
1 Implementation Considerations For Wireless Networked Control Systems Payam Naghshtabrizi and Joao P. Hespanha2 State Estimation Over an Unreliable Network Ling Shi,Lihua Xie,and Richard M.Murray3 Distributed Optimal Delay Robustness and Network Throughput Tradeoff in Control-Communication Networks Muhammad Tahir and Sudip K. Mazumder4 Cyber-Physical Control Over Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks with Packet Loss Feng Xia,Xiangjie Kong,and Zhenzhen Xu5 Kalman Filtering Over Wireless Fading Channels Yasamin Mostofi and Alireza Ghaffarkhah6 Time-Delay Estimation and Finite-Spectrum Assignment for Control Over Multi-Hop WSN Emmanuel Witrant,Pangun Park,and Mikael Johansson7 Localization in Wireless Sensor Networks Steve Huseth and Soumitri Kolavennu8 Counting and Rendezvous:Two Applications of Distributed Consensus in Robotics Carlos H.Caicedo-N鷑ez and Milos Zefran9 Design Principles of Wireless Sensor Networks Protocols for Control Applications Carlo Fischione,Pangun Park,Piergiuseppe Di Marco,and Karl Henrik Johansson10 Mnlti-Robot Redeployment Control for Enhancing Wireless Networking Quality Feng-Li Lian,Yi-Chun Lin,and Ko-Hsin Tsai11 Adaptive IEEE 802.15.4 Medium Access Control Protocol for Control and Monitoring Applications Pangun Park,Carlo Fischione,and Karl Henrik Johansson12 Co-design of IEEE 802.11 Based Control Systems George W.Irwin,Adrian McKeman,and Jian Chen13 Coordinated Control of Robotic Fish Using an Underwater Wireless Network Daniel J.Klein,Vijay Gupta,and Kristi A.MorgansenIndex
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