《英语阅读教程》是一套有指导的、循序渐进的阅读课本,供高等学校英语专科及本科一、二年级学生的泛读课使用,也可供高等院校其他各专业、教育学院、职大、业大、电大的英语泛读课选用。本书为卫星电视英语专业的泛读课教材。 全书共分四册,供两学年使用。本书旨在使学生通过较大量的阅读实践、系统的阅读技能培养和词汇知识扩展,逐步提高理解能力和阅读速度。书中所选文章题材广泛,内容生动有趣、练习设计精巧,利于激发学习者的兴趣,增加对西方文化的了解。 第二册共有课文40篇,分10个单元。每单元内容包括:1)课文4篇,每篇附有阅读指导及检查理解、扩大词汇的练习;2)阅读技能和扩展构词知识的讲解和练习;3)检查阅读理解和速度的测试。与第一册相比,课文长度增加到750-950词(第一册为550-750词);词汇难度控制在3000基本词汇之内(第一册在2000基本词汇之内)。
Unit I Texts 1-4 IA Reading for Comprehension and Speed 1. What's in An Indian's Name 2. Let's Climb Popo 3. The Laugher 4. Life in Death IB Learning about Skills and Words IC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit II Texts 5-8 IIA Reading for Comprehension and Speed 5. Traveling in the Jungle 6. The Left-footed Thief 7. The Perfect Match 8. The Watch IIB Learning about Skills and Words IIC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit III Texts 9- 12 IIIA Reading for Comprehension and Speed 9. The Gentleman in White 10. Icarus 11. Early Days of the Mail 12. Clocks Through Time IIIB Learning about Skills and Words IIIC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit IV Texts 13-16 IVA Reading for Comprehension and Speed 13. How Hurricanes Get Their Names 14. The Little Gypsy Horse 15. The Vanished City 16. The Legend of Dr. Norman Bethune IVB Learning about Skills and Words IVC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit V Texts 17-20 VA Reading for Comprehension and Speed 17. Disaster in Dayton 18. Surprises in Ice 19. A Pound of Butter 20. Learning a Language VB Learning about Skills and Words VC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit VI Texts 21-24 VIA Reading for Comprehension and Speed 21. He Led a Useful Life 22. Postmen with Feathers 23. Arctic Adventure 24. When Marriage Is a Crime VIB Learning about Skills and Words VIC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit VII Texts 25-28 VIIA Reading for Comprehension and Speed 25. Mister Imagination 26. The Gift of Fire 27. Why Study Math 28. The Whistle Language of La Gomera VIIB Learning about Skills and Words VIIC Testing Your Reading Comprehension and SpeedUnit VIII Texts 29-32Unit IX Texts 33-36Unit X Texts 37-40Key to Excercises