

高远 高等教育出版社











  当您开始阅读本书时,人类已经迈入了21世纪。  这是一个变幻难测的世纪,这是一个催人奋进的时代。科学技术飞速发展,知识更替日新月异。希望、困惑、机遇、挑战,随时随地都有可能出现在每一个社会成员的生活之中。抓住机遇,寻求发展,迎接挑战,适应变化的制胜法宝就是学习——依靠自己学习,终生学习。  作为我国高等教育组成部分的自学考试,其职责就是在高等教育这个水平上倡导自学、鼓励自学、帮助自学、推动自学,为每一个自学者铺就成才之路。组织编写供读者学习的教材就是履行这个职责的重要环节。毫无疑问,这种教材应当适合自学,应当有利于学习者掌握、了解新知识、新信息,有利于学习者增强创新意识,培养实践能力,形成自学能力,也有利于学习者学以致用,解决实际工作中所遇到的问题。具有如此特点的书,我们虽然沿用了“教材”这个概念,但它与那种仅供教师讲、学生听,教师不讲、学生不懂,以“教”为中心的教科书相比,已经在内容安排、形式体例、行文风格等方面都大不相同了。希望读者对此有所了解,以便从一开始就树立起依靠自己学习的坚定信念,不断探索适合自己的学习方法,充分利用已有的知识基础和实际工作经验,最大限度地发挥自己的潜能,以达到学习的目标。欢迎读者提出意见和建议。  祝每一位读者自学成功。




Unit 1Text A What Is a Decision?Text B Secrets of Success at an Interview语法 as 的用法Unit 2Text A Black HolesText B Worlds within WorldsUnit 3Text A Euthanasia:For and AgainstText B Advantage Unfair语法 一致关系Unit 4Text A Slavery on Our DcorstepText B Return of The Chain GangUnit 5Text A The New MusicText B Different Types of Composers语法语序Unit 6Text A Improving Industrial Efficiency through RoboticsText B Predicting EarthquakesUnit 7Text A Leisure and LeadershipText B The Time Message语法 一常用介词的基石词义和用法辨异Unit 8Text A Jet Lag:Prevention and CureText B Controlling Your ConcentrationUnit 9Text A Aging in European CountriesText B Childrens Self-esteem语法 虚拟语气(续)Unit 10Text A The Campaign for ElectionText B The American Two-party SystemUnit 11Text A Sacrificed to Science?Text B Lets Stop Keeping Pets英译汉翻译方法介绍 词的翻译(一)Unit 12Text A Let Your Mind WanderText B To Sleep,Perchance to DreamUnit 13Text A Work,Labor,and PlayText B The Workmans Compensation英译汉翻译方法介绍 句子的翻译(一)Unit 14Text A The Teachers Last Shocking LessonText B The Seeds of Wrath英译汉翻译方法介绍 句子的翻译(二)Unit 15Text A The Computer and The PoetText B Changes to Come in U.S. Education英译汉翻译方法介绍 句子的翻译(三)GLOSSARYLIST OF PHRASES AND EXPRESSIONS


  Instead, the battle cry for the 90s will be the demand forperformance and accountability. For 30 years, employers have beenhiring graduates for their degrees rather than their abilities; employment,pay and often even promotion have depended on ones diploma. Nowmany major employers are beginning to demand more than thecompletion of school. Some of the major banks, for example, arestudying the possibility of entrance examinations that would test theknowledge and abilities of graduates applying for jobs.  Students and parents, too, will demand greater accountabilityfrom schools, on all levels. It will be increasingly common to go tolaw against school districts and colleges for awarding degrees withoutimparting the skills that are supposed to go along with them. Andmany young people are already switching to practical "bard" subjects.Caring little about the so-called "youth culture" and the media, theyhave been shifting from psychology into medicine, from sociologyinto accounting and from black studies into computer programming.  Demand for education is actually going up, not down. What isgoing down, and fairly fast, is demand for traditional education intraditional schools.  Indeed, the fastest growing industry in America today may be thecontinuing professional education of highly schooled adults. Much ofit takes place outside the education establishment —— through companies,hospitals and government departments that run courses for managerialand professional employees; or through management associations andtrade associations. In the meantime, any number of private enterprisesare organizing courses, producing training films and tapes and otherwisetaking advantage of growth opportunities that universities shy awayfrom.





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