

教育部《实用英语》教材编写组 编 高等教育出版社





教育部《实用英语》教材编写组 编  






  《实用英语》是一套供高等专科学校使用的英语教材。本教材的编写以教育部1993年颁发的《普通高等专科英语课程教学基本要求》为依据。《基本要求》规定:普通高等专科英语课程教学的目的是,培养学生掌握必需的、实用的英语语言知识和技能,具有阅读和翻译与本专业有关的英文资料的初步能力,并为进一步提高英语的应用能力打下一定的基础。  为了体现上述教学目的,在编写《实用英语》过程中我们既注意吸收现代外语教学理论中适合我国英语教学实际的某些观点,又采纳传统外语教学理论中某些合理部分,结合我国外语教学中行之有效的理论和方法及现状,力求正确处理好语言基础和语言应用的关系,突出加强英语实践能力的培养和实际运用。  《基本要求》将专科英语课程教学分为两个阶段:第一阶段应重视语言共核教学,培养基本的语言技能;第二阶段应结合专业,强调基本的阅读和翻译技能在本专业的实际应用。为了体现这一教学安排,本套教材也分成两个阶段。第一阶段包括《综合教程》和《泛读教程》各3册,第二阶段包括《实用业务英语》1册。《综合教程》和《泛读教程》是《实用业务英语》的基础,并在教学内容、技能培养方面逐渐向《实用业务英语》过渡;《实用业务英语》是《综合教程》和《泛读教程》的总结和提高,并结合学生毕业后使用英语的需要,侧重于实用文体的阅读和翻译、实用英语口语的训练和实用文体模拟写作方面的训练。为了便于广大师生使用上述教材,还编配了《教师参考书》和同步练习性质的《综合训练与自测》。


  《实用英语综合教程1(第2版)》是一套专科层次的公共英语教材,1995年正式出版发行。为了更加有利于学生英语应用能力的培养,结合这几年使用《实用英语》教学情况及专科这一教育层次的英语教学要求,编写组对《实用英语》进行了修订。修订后的《实用英语》第二版不仅适用于高专的学生,也适用于高职的学生。  与第一版相比,《实用英语综合教程1(第2版)》侧重改进了有关语言技能训练,调整了读、译、写、听、说技能训练顺序与结构;降低了段落听力理解训练的难度,删除了部分练习;适当调整了交际会话话题,增加了交际会话的训练量;删换了部分应用文,使之更加符合改革开放环境下的涉外交际需要。  书后附有配套多媒体光盘一张。光盘内容丰富,不仅提供了课文和练习的学习辅导,还开发了相应的语言技能训练、词汇学习、语法学习、单项测试、轻松一刻等内容,既方便教师备课参考,又为学生提供了生动活泼的自学园地。


Unit 1Text A: College —— A New ExperienceText B: How to Study Read 8Skills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Reading for the Main Idea (1)Translation Practice ——选择词义Guided Writing ——缩略词Listening and SpeakingUnit 2Text A: Rock and RollText B: The First American MusicSkills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Reading for the Main Idea(2)Translation Practice ——线申词义Guided Writing —— 标志用语Listening and SpeakingUnit 3Text A: Why Nations TradeText B: Stocks and SharesSkills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Guessing Unknown Words (1)Translation Practice ——转译词类Guided Writing ——如何写信封Listening and SpeakingUnit 4Text A: The First Four MinutesText B: Table Manners and CustomsSkills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Guessing Unknown Words (2)Translation Practice ——转译词类Guided Writing —— 书信Listening and SpeakingUnit 5Text A: Community ServiceText B: People on the MoveSkills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Making Use of Contents and IndexTranslation Practice ——转译词类Guided Writing ——明信片、传真Listening and SpeakingUnit 6Text A: Working Hard or Hardly Working?Text B: StressSkills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Recognizing PunctuationTranslation Practice ——转译词类Guided Writing——贺卡、名片Listening and SpeakingUnit 7Text A: The BrainText B: How Your Memory WorksSkills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Understanding ReferenceTranslation Practice ——转译词类Guided Writing ——便条、电子邮件Listening and SpeakingUnit 8Text A: Getting to the AirportText B: Coincidences or Miracles?Skills Development and PracticeReading Skills —— Recognizing Logical ConnectorsTranslation Practice——增词Guided Writing ——告示,海报Listening and SpeakingUnit 9Text A: Whats NewText B: Searching for a Uniform Sign LanguageSkills Development and PracticeReading Skills Understanding SynonymTranslation Practice—— “As”的译法Guided Writing ——请假条Listening and SpeakingUnit 10Text A: Surveys, Surveys and More SurveysText B: AdvertisingSkills Development and PracticeReading Skills Distinguishing Facts from OpinionsTranslation Practice——省略译Guided Writing——请柬Listening and SpeakingGlossaryPhrases and ExpressionsAppendix:《实用英语多媒体学习课件》结构一览表


  Working Hard or Hardly Working?  1 According to a recent survey, employees in many companies today work longer hours than employees did in 1979. They also take shorter vacations. It seems that Americans are working harder today than ever before. Or are they?A management consultant, Bill Meyer, decided to find out. For three days, he observed an investment banker hard at work. Meyer wrote down everything the banker did during his long workday —— the banker worked 80 hours a week.At the end of the three-day period, Meyer reviewed the bankers activities with him. What did they find out? They discovered that the man spent 80 percent of his time doing busy work. For example, he attended unnecessary meetings,made redundant telephone calls, and spent time packing and unpacking his two big briefcases.  2 Apparently, many people believe that the more time a person spends atwork, the more she or he accomplishes. However, the connection between time and productivity is not always positive. In fact, many studies indicate that after a certain point, anyones productivity and creativity begin to decrease.Furthermre, it is not always easy for individuals to realize that their perform-ance is falling off.


  全国普通高等学校优秀教材一等奖  《实用英语》系列教材——专科层次通用英语教材  权威性:本套教材由教育部规划并推荐使用、编者与审者均是国内知名专家教授及多年从事英语教学的优秀教师、  先进性:本套教材积极吸收了国内外最新外语教学研究成果及教材编写理论,创造了专科层次英语教学的崭新体系。  实用性:本套教材体现了提高学生语言应用能力的宗旨,《实用业务英语》更密切结合了学生毕业后实际工作的需要。  通用性:本套教材在选材和练习设计上,注意了文、理、工各科知识的相互渗透,兼顾了各专业的需要。





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