

张逸 编 高等教育出版社





张逸 编  




  经过全体编者的共同努力和辛勤劳动,《商务英语精读》终于付梓了。这是一套将培养英语语言能力与学习商务英语知识相结合的新教材,使用对象是商务英语专业的学生以及非商务英语专业的英语爱好者。  对于语言能力,教学界已基本达成共识:语言能力应包括语言知识和交际能力。语言知识包括语音、词汇、语法等关于语言系统方面的知识;交际能力是运用语言的能力,即如何开始谈话,如何结束谈话,在各类言语事件中应谈什么话题,以及如何在各种不同的语境中,恰当地实施各种语言行为(如请求、道歉、邀请等)的能力。本书通过循序渐进的方式,使学生逐步掌握系统的英语语言基础知识,同时也注重培养学生的交际能力,为此我们精心设计了许多小组活动,为学生营造各种话语环境,使他们能够把所学的知识运用于各种日常交际活动和商务活动中。  语言和文化之间存在着密不可分的内在联系,若不了解所学语言的文化,要想学好此语言几乎是不可能的,因而本书重视学习文化和学习语言的关系,在单元主题的遴选以及课文和练习的选材上,刻意为学生提供各种文化知识背景,其中包括商业文化知识背景。为提高学生的文化意识,本书还着重对不同文化之间的差异进行了比较。  考虑到本书的使用对象,我们尽可能地寻求语言能力培养和商务英语知识学习的最佳结合点,即在培养学生英语语言能力的同时,让学生熟悉各种商务活动,了解相关的商务知识,这是本书的一大特色。基于此,本书为学生提供了许多商务方面的阅读材料,内容涵盖企业管理、经贸、金融、证券、国际贸易、商业文化、旅游等各个领域,使学生在学习语言的同时,也掌握必要的商务知识。可以说,在将语言知识、交际技能、文化背景知识和商务知识融于一体方面,本教材作了大胆的尝试。  《商务英语精读》共计4册,分2个学年,4个学期使用。本书为第1册,共15个单元,每单元由三大部分组成:阅读I(Reading I)、阅读II(Reading II)以及扩展性练习(。Extended Activities)。




Unit 1 Essentials of BusinessReading I The Nature of BusinessReading II TradingSpecial Use Countable and Uncountable NounsExtended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Front Vowels(前元音) Function and Structure Meeting People Practical Reading TimetableBusiness World Fortune Global Forum Unit 2 MarketingReading I Marketing and PromotionReading II Markets.Demand and SupplySpecial Use Numerical Expressions (1)Extended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Central Vowels(中位元音)Function and Structure Introducing PeoplePrnctical Reading Price ListBusiness World The Marketing Mix(营销策略)Unit 3 CareerReading I Modern Servant-NannyReading II GardenerSpecial Use Describe People's AppearanceExtended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Back Vowels(后位元音)Function and Structure Expressing and Responding to ThanksPractical Reading Business CardsBusiness World What Does an Employer Do? Unit 4 Jobs and OccupationsReading I Personal Progress and Job-hoppingReading II Branson's New Route to More JobsSpecial Use Words of Job ApplicationExtended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Closing Diphthongs(合口双元音)(1)Function and Structure Describe One's Occupation Practical Reading Job AdvertisementBusiness World The Most Promising Jobs in the 21st CenturyUnit 5 Eating HabitsReading I Changing Life style and New Eating HabitsReading II British FoodSpecial Use Degrees of Adjectives and AdverbsExtended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Closing Diphthongs(合口双元音)(2)Function and Structure Ordering a MealPractical Reading MenuBusiness World Business MealsUnit 6 JewelryReading I Diamond-Cutter EphraimReading II DiamondsSpecial Use The Use of ArticleExtended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Centring Diphthongs(集中双元音)Function and Structure ApologizingPractical Reading Catalogue of JewelryBusiness World Source of GemsUnit 7 Body LanguageReading I Body Language-Ownership GesturesReading II Gesture Special Use Numerical Expressions(2)Extended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Vowels Revision(元音复习)Function and Structure Making InvitationsPractical Reading Program ScheduleBusiness World Important Cultural Issues(1)Unit 8 MannersReading I A World Guide to Good MannersReading II Good Manners.Good.BusinessSpecial Use Simple.Past and Perfect Tenses of VerbsExtended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Consonants-Fricatives(摩擦音)Function and Structure Asking fo Giving,and Refusing to Give PermissionPractical Reading Comparing Different CulturesBusiness World Important Cultural Issues (Ⅱ)Unit 9 Telephone CallsReading I Miss Manners Wrings the BellReading II TelephonesSpecial Use Continuous and Perfect Tenses of VerbsExtended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Consonants-Plosives(爆破音)Function and Structure Making Telephone CallsPractical Reading Yellow PagesBusiness World Twelve Telephone TiosUnit 10 Air TravelReading I Getting to the AirportReading II ReservationsSpecial Use Passive Voice of VerbsExtended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Consonants-Affricates(破擦音)Function and Structure Booking Flight TicketsPrnctical Reading Flight ScheduleBusiness World Major International AirlinesUnit 11 Sports and BusinessReading I Nike,from Small Beginnings to World Giant(I)Reading II Nike,from Small Beginnings to World Giant(II)Special Use Subject and Verb Agreement f(1)Extended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Consonant Nasals(鼻辅音)Function and Structure ComplimentingPractical Reading Football and Basketball CatalogueBusiness World Brand Image(品牌形象)Unit 12 OwnershipReading I Types of Business OwnershipReading II Business in a Free Enterprise SystemSpecial use The Future ExpressionsExtended ActivitiesPhonetic Drills Consonants-Laterals(舌侧音)Function and Structure Asking or Offering FavorsPractical Reading Company RelationshipBusiness World Joint VentureUnit 13 FashionReading I Fashion


  In everyday language, capital means several things. The most general meaning is wealth or money. But it also refers to the equipment that money purchases. As one of the basic factors of production, capital is all of the things that workers use in production and distribution. It includes their tools, machines, and buildings such as factories and warehouses where goods are produced and stored. Capital, therefore, refers to anything that helps to produce and distribute goods.  Putting together land, labor, and capital to make something of value, is called entrepreneurship. The entrepreneur is the person responsible for controlling and directing the other three factors. The entrepreneur does not make things with his own hands unless he is also a worker. In a business the workers take orders from the entrepreneur. He is the leader, and the employees follow his direction.  Entrepreneurship includes some other important activities. The entrepreneur is responsible for initiating business activity. He must begin his business by bringing together the land, labor, and capital. Next, he must manage the business by deciding the general polices for business operation. In order to be successful, an entrepreneur must also be innovative. He must look for new products or new ways of making things, and new methods of distribution, or he must offer new services. He must be able to decide on the value of things that other people invent, whether it is a new toy, a new method of filing, or a new way of advertising. Finally, he bears all the risks of the business.  Everyone connected with a business shares in the risks of the business. When a company goes bankrupt, that is, becomes unable to pay its debts, it causes problems for many people. It is hard for the employees who may have to seek work elsewhere the customers must look for another place to buy their products creditors usually lose some of the money that they have lent to the company. But the entrepreneur takes the biggest risk. If the business succeeds or fails, he must pay them up to the limit of his ability to pay. If he is skillful and lucky the money he receives from his business venture will pay for the land, labor, and capital, and there will still be some extra money remaining for him. This extra money is the profit.   ……




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