

张民伦 编 高等教育





张民伦 编  






  听是语言交际的重要方面。在对外交往中,听力水平的高低直接影响着人们的相互理解和工作效率。随着国际交流的H渐频繁和电讯技术的迅猛发展,提高英语听的能力显得尤为重要。本教材正是为了适应时代的发展和英语教学的需要而编写的。在编写中,我们努力借鉴国内外近年来英语听力教学的研究成果,在总结几十年教学经验的基础上,遵循本课程的教学理论和原则,针对中国学牛英语听力学习的特点,进行了新的尝试。本教材可供高等学校英语专业高年级的学生使用,同时适合师专、教育学院、广播电视大学、成人高校英语专业的学生及社会上广大英语自学者使用。  本教材在编写中努力体现以下两点:  1.以培养听力技能为主线。通过系统的听力专门技能的单项训练及综合训练,培养学生的快速反应、准确辨别、分析推理、归纳总结、信息处理及记录和记忆等能力;  2.力求听力材料的语言真实性、典型性和实际应用性。由于听力理解与学习者的知识水平,特别是与他们的语言和社会文化知识的水平密切相关,因此本教材注重在不同阶段选择既与技能训练匹配又与学生求知兴趣相称的素材。  全套教材共分6册。每册配有教师用书和6盒录音带。前4册以单项技能训练为主,配有一定量的综合训练,题材接近生活和工作实际,由近及远,涉及的面较宽;后两册以综合技能训练为主,同时针对中国学生在英语听力学习中的难点、重点进行反复训练,题材以反映社会、科技领域的新发展为主。教师用书的内容包括教学提示、练习答案和全部录音带内容的材料。  “标”、 “本”兼治,以“标”求“本”是本教材的努力方向和目标。这里的“标”指的是教材及磁带中的全部教学内容与练习;这里的“本”指的是完成全部教学内容与练习之后留存于学生的那种内在聪慧与能力。  本书为第六册,即本听力教程的最后一册。全书共包括12个单元,内容主要反映当今时代人们紧张、丰富的工作与生活方式以及他们对待某些社会现象的观点与态度。材料多数为正常语速的真实报道或录音。听能训练侧重检测学生在听的方面的综合应用能力。第六册的篇章结构与前五册有所不同,H的是突出其终结性的目标与要求。每个单元由4部分组成:  第一部分仍为准备性练习,列出了每个单元中生词较多的典型语句,以帮助学生在语境中猜测词义和听力材料的内容,从而使学生进入积极思维和听的状态;  第二部分和第三部分为每个单元的重点部分。其中第_二部分称为Fast track(快行道),以提示学生卡动应付更具挑战性的听力材料,通过刻苦训练和自我检测,达到较高水准,从而获得成功的喜悦。


本书是与《英语听力教程6》(Listen This Way 6)相配套的教师参考书。主要内容包括学生用书中全部练习答案以及录音带的所有文字材料。


1 Treasure Pleasure PartⅠ Getting Pready PartⅡ Fast track PartⅢ Independent listening PartⅣ Reminder of key points in this unit2 Buckle Up for Safety PartⅠ Getting Pready PartⅡ Fast track PartⅢ Independent listening PartⅣ Reminder of key points in this unit3 What Do You Gain from Slowing Down? PartⅠ Getting Pready PartⅡ Fast track PartⅢ Independent listening PartⅣ Reminder of key points in this unit4 Advice on Survival PartⅠ Getting Pready PartⅡ Fast track PartⅢ Independent listening PartⅣ Reminder of key points in this unit5 The Green Image PartⅠ Getting Pready PartⅡ Fast track PartⅢ Independent listening PartⅣ Reminder of key points in this unit6 Changing Lifestyle PartⅠ Getting Pready PartⅡ Fast track PartⅢ Independent listening PartⅣ Reminder of key points in this unit7 What's On? PartⅠ Getting Pready PartⅡ Fast track PartⅢ Independent listening PartⅣ Reminder of key points in this unit8 Why the Sport? PartⅠ Getting Pready PartⅡ Fast track PartⅢ Independent listening PartⅣ Reminder of key points in this unit9 Sydney 2000 PartⅠ Getting Pready PartⅡ Fast track PartⅢ Independent listening PartⅣ Reminder of key points in this unit10 Fighting Against Drugs PartⅠ Getting Pready PartⅡ Fast track PartⅢ Independent listening PartⅣ Reminder of key points in this unit11 On the World Arena PartⅠ Getting Pready PartⅡ Fast track PartⅢ Independent listening PartⅣ Reminder of key points in this unit12 Review


  Thats according to experts who gathered in New York last month at a conference on international efforts to achieve greater balance between work and the rest of life. From Australia to North America to Europe, human resource professionals and academics reported that jobs and companies doing business worldwide are increasingly characterized by escalating work loads, expanding work hours and more time away from home. The change is producing a variety of responses and consequences.  Researches from across the globe report that job stress is increasing, job satisfaction decreasing, and work life balance is more of a struggle. Even when companies have family-friendly programs, ever-expanding work duties often undercut them. Gram Russell, a psychology professor, says the clock really never stops in some international businesses especially for senior managers.  "Im a manager in an Australian corporation that works in the global environment. I have to be accessible much more than I was before. I might be reporting to the company in a local location as well as reporting to somebody globally. So I have got more responsibility. So the nature of my job is changed."  While leading companies often address the employee time shortage by offering childcare or eldercare assistance, Russell is concerned about another price employees are paying: lack of time to establish and maintain intimate adult relationships.  In western Europe, the work week is shorter compared to the U.S. Women especially work less, and many family-friendly policies are mandated by the government. The Norwegians, for example, are essentially ignoring pressures from the global market place and expanding their family-friendly policies. For a generation, workers there have received ever more generous paid leave when they become parents. Currently a parent can take a year off with 80% of their normal salary, plus a guarantee of getting the same job back when they return to work.  One drawback though of these generous policies is that in some countries they tend to discourage women from having full-time careers.  In Germany, the government provides free daycare for children aged three to six. But it only lasts half a day. Mothers of young children who want to work full time have few options, and thats doubly true if the child is an infant or toddler.  "From zero to three, theres very little public care. Normally its between one and two per cent maximum. The younger the child, the harder it becomes to find anything. Even private care cannot be bought. It is too expensive. No one offers this."





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