李鹏飞 编
《机电专业英语》是中等职业教育国家规划教材,是根据教育部2001年颁发的中等职业学校机电专业英语教学基本要求编写的。本教材内容大致分为若干个大的部分,即:机械制造总体介绍,机械加工设备与加工方法基础,机器人原理和自动控制技术原理,机电一体化发展趋势和加工原理,柔性制造原理和方法基础及计算机一体化制造等。全书共10个单元,每单元设两篇课文,课文后编有大量与课文内容紧密结合的练习。在突出以课文为中心的阅读教学的同时,每单元还配有"听力"和"口语会话"练习,并配有听力录音带,能使学习者通过学习,在提高专业英语阅读能力的同时,词汇和语法运用能力及口语会话能力也得到相应提高。《机电专业英语》内容新颖,图文并茂,通俗易懂,门类齐全,适应面广,适合中等职业学校学生的实际水平。 《机电专业英语》可作为中等职业学校机电类专业教材,也可作为相关行业岗位培训教材或自学用书。
Unit 1 Introduction to Modern ManufacturingText A: What is Manufacturing? Text B: Automated Factory and Automatic FactoryListening and Speaking Unit 2 Simple Machines and ToolsText A: What Do the Simple Machines Mean?Text B: Tools and Machines Listening and Speaking Unit 3 Basic Principles of MachiningText A: Fundamentals of MachiningText B: Lathe Listening and Speaking Unit 4 Metal Cutting and Machining EquipmentText A: Cutting of Metals and Formation of Chips Text B: Turning, Drilling, Boring, and Milling Machine ToolsListening and Speaking Unit 5 Numerical Control and NC ToolsText A: Numerical Control Text B: Numerical Control ToolsListening and Speaking Unit 6 Computer Integrated ManufacturingText A: What is Computer Integrated Manufacturing? (A)Text B: What is Computer Integrated Manufacturing? (B)Listening and Speaking Uni 7 Industrial Robots and RoboticsText A: Industrial Robots Text B: The Meaning of QualityListening and Speaking Unit 8 Automation in ManufacturingText A: Automation and Robots Text B: Weight Reduction by ComputerListening and Speaking Unit 9 Flexible Manufacturing SystemsText A: Flexible Manufacturing SystemsText B: Computerized Control of CIMListening and Speaking Unit 10 Mechatronics and the Future of ManufacturingText A: What is Mechatronics Text B: The Future Factory Is DigitalListening and Speaking Vocabulary参考译文与参考答案