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  《英语(基本版)》是根据2000年8月颁布的((中等职业学校英语教学大纲(试行)》(以下简称“大纲”)组织编写的系列教材。本系列教材包括预备级、第1~3册、第4册(提高本),预备级配有教师手册、录音带和电子教案,其他各册均配有练习册、教师手册、录音带、多媒体学习课件和电子教案。  本教材着力体现素质教育和能力本位的精神,注重交际应用,突出职教特色,其主要特点如下。  1.与初中英语教学相衔接、紧扣大纲  本系列教材的普通起点为初中英语教学大纲要求学生掌握的600英语词,预备级起点为300词,更加贴近目前中职英语教学的实际情况。本系列教材覆盖了“大纲”的全部语法项目、所有的交际功能项目和约90%的词汇项目。学完本系列教材第1~3册将能达到“大纲”规定的基本要求,学完第1~4册将达到较高要求。  2.以话题为纲和以综合英语为基础  本系列教材每个教学单元的各种教学活动都围绕一个与学生日常生活密切相关的话题进行,由“综合英语”向“听”、 “说”、 “读”、 “写”等交际技能和词汇、语法等语言项目辐射。同时还体现了语言项目是交际的手段、交际技能是教学目的的教学思想,把语言知识作为交际的手段来教,把交际技能作为教学的目标来培养,既重视语言知识的传授,更重视交际技能的培养。  “听”、 “说”模块结合交际功能并围绕单元话题展开,充分体现了“大纲”突出实用性的要求。 “综合英语”模块以相关话题为纲编写,词汇、语法的教学均围绕相关话题进行。 “兴趣阅读”除进一步培养学生的阅读能力外,还适当补充了与“综合英语”模块话题相关的词汇。  3.模块式结构和应用性训练便于实施职业教育  本系列教材预备级以温故而知新的方式由日常生活对话、音标和初中语法项目逐步过渡到情景化的“听”、 “说”、 “读”、 “写”技能训练;第1~4册每个教学单元均包括“热身活动”、“听”、 “说”、 “综合英语”、 “兴趣阅读”、 “写作”6个模块,分别提供了大量的应用性训练,可由教师根据所在学校的英语教学环境自由搭配,灵活使用。本系列教材还体现了以基础英语为主、以专业英语为辅的特点,既能为文、理、工、农、医、经贸等各类中职学校基础英语阶段的教学服务,又能为学生进入专门用途英语教学阶段铺平道路。




ContentsUnit 1InformationWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishInformation, PleaseReading for InterestBetter Left UnsaidWritingUnit 2ConversationsWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishPreferred Discussion TopicsReading for InterestLets Talk About TalkingWritingUnit 3AgricultureWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishThe Agricultural RevolutionReading for InterestPopulation and LandWritingUnit 4DreamsWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishDreams ?What Do They Mean?Reading for InterestWhat Happens When You Sleep?WritingUnit 5English SpeakersWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishThe English CharacterReading for InterestAmerican Social RelationsWritingUnit 6AccidentsWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishThe Sinking of the Titanic (I)Reading for InterestThe Sinking of the Titanic (II)WritingUnit 7FoodWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishEnglish FoodReading for InterestEnglish MealsWritingUnit 8AdvertisingWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishAdvertising: The Selling of a ProductReading for InterestHow Does Advertising Work?WritingUnit 9LanguageWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishOn the English LanguageReading for InterestThe Origin of LanguageWritingUnit 10MedicineWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishOpen-heart SurgeryReading for InterestHeart TransplantsWritingUnit 11NovelsWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishThe Fall of the House of Usher (I)Reading for InterestThe Fall of the House of Usher (II)WritingUnit 12TransportationWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishTransportReading for InterestHousehold EquipmentWritingUnit 13MusicWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishMusicReading for InterestOperaWritingUnit 14BusinessWarm-upListeningSpeakingComprehensive EnglishWhat American Consumers LikeReading for InterestThe World of American BusinessWritingVocabularyProper Names


  On an old.time faml in America there were chickens,COWS,pigs and other domestic anireals,but there were very few machines.Most of the work was done by the entire farm family with the help of a“hired hand”.Sometimes extra Iaborers were needed in the busy seasons. Horses provided about 80 per cent of the power used.human Iabor 1 5 per cent,and machines only 5 per cent.  Today all that has changed.Just as technology changed the face of industry,agriculture has undergone a revolution.On the farm today.machines provide almost all the power and horses are kept only for pleasure.Besides developing new machines,scientists and engineers have helped the farmers in many ways.Some farmers even have computers which help them USe their resources better.As a result,the farms of today are able to produce much more food with the same amount of Iabor.However,the agricultural revolution iS not over.1n the future, farmers wilI receive even greater benefits frOm science and technology.0ne of the most important benefits wilI be frOm use of the farm computer.A few famlers are already using computers to help them run their farms.The computers help them keep more accurate records SO that they can make better decisions on what crops to plant,when to sell their products and how much money they can make.At the moment.only one to five per cent of the nation’S farms use computers,but many people believe that this nutuber will grow to 25 per cent in the next five years.There can be no doubt that farmers wilI rely on computers even more in the future.While the old-time farms depended on horse power,and modern farms depend on machine power, farms of the future wilI depend on computer power.Another technological advance iS the robot that is able to move and,in some ways,think like a human being.Agricultural engineers believe that robots wilI make great changes ln farmlnq ln the 21 st century.Unlike farmers of the present, farmers of the future wilI find that many day.to.day tasks wilI be done for them by robots.For example,in the future,farmers will use robots to milk their COWS.When the milking is completed.the robots wilI automatically check to ensure that the milk iS pure.Some robots were used in farmina as early as in 1 990.




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