沈良金 编
为了满足广大师生教与学的需要,我们现将沈良金备课组在教学研究上的原始资料,进行重新加工,精心编撰,汇集成册,与广大的教育界同仁和学生交流切磋,希望能开拓出一条切实可行的英语教学新思路。 本套Old&New高中英语系列丛书既保持了传统教材的优势,又开创了新时代英语教学的风格,是对老教材(Old)和新教材(New)在教学过程中有机结合的新探索。
Unit 1 Body LanguagePart 1 Teaching and Learning ProcedureTeaching ProcedurePre-unit ActivityLanguage PresentationGrammar AnalysisPart 2 Vocabulary ListPart 3 Diagnostic TestUnit 2 Care for Your HairPart 1 Teaching and Learning ProcedureTeaching ProcedurePre-unit ActivityLanguage PresentationGrammar AnalysisPart 2 Vocabulary ListPart 3 Diagnostic TestUnit 3 Places of InterestPart 1 Teaching and Learning ProcedureTeaching Procedure Pre-unit ActivityLanguage PresentationGrammar AnalysisPart 2 Vocabulary ListPart 3 Diagnostic Test复旦附中高一第一学期期中英语试卷Part OnePart TwoUnit 4 What should i do?Part 1 Teaching and Learning ProcedureTeaching ProcedurePre-unit ActivityLanguage PresentationGrammar AnalysisPart 2 Vocabulary List Part 3 Diagnostic TestUnit 5 Surprises at the StudioPart 1 Teaching and Learning ProcedureTeaching ProcedurePre-unit ActivityLanguage PresentationGrammar AnalysisPart 2 Vocabulary ListPart 3 Diagnostic TestUnit 6 Food for ThoughtPart 1 Teaching and Learning ProcedureTeaching ProcedurePpe-unit ActivityLanguage PresentationGrammar AnalysisPart 2 Vocabufary ListPart 3 Diagnostic Test……Vocabulary Test