

王关富 编 高等教育出版社





王关富 编  








  改革开放的20年是中国经济高速发展并逐渐融人世界经济的20年。中国加入世界贸易组织是此进程的一个重要里程碑,必将进一步推动中国经济与世界经济的接轨与融合。经济日益全球化的趋势迫切需要我们培养一大批熟练掌握外语、通晓商务知识、熟悉国际商务环境、善于跨文化交际的国际型商务人才。  此类商务人才的成功培养涉及到诸多环节与因素,其中至关重要的是要有一套有助于实现此培养目标的、编写意图明确、针对性强、质量高的教材,因为教材是一切。教学活动得以开展的基础与前提。目前涉及商务英语的教材不少,但在系统性、完整性以及语言技能与商务知识的有机结合上都多少存在着不足。  普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材——商务英语系列教材是高等教育出版社与在商务英语教学与研究领域起步早、阵容强的对外经济贸易大学、广东外语外贸大学、上海对外贸易学院、上海外国语大学、厦门大学、北京外国语大学、北京工业大学和湖南大学等单位联合推出的一套全新的商务英语系列教材。这套教材在编写设计时特别注意把握好商务活动主题的涵盖面、商务知识的系统性与完整性以及语言技能与商务知识的平衡,在体系上分为商务英语基础课程教材《商务英语听说))、《商务英语阅读》、《商务英语写作》、《商务英语翻译》等,和商务英语专业核心课程教材《工商导论》、《国际经济导论》、《国际贸易实务》等。每本教材自成体系,但整套教材又形成了有机的整体。另外,此套教材不是封闭系列,还将不断有新教材推出。  本套教材体现了编撰者努力将语言技能的训练与商务英语知识的介绍融为一体的编写理念,最终服务于复合型人才培养的目标。编撰者们不仅具有丰富的语言教学经验,而且具备商务活动的实践经验。有些作者本身就是经贸领域的专家学者,他们集教学经验、学术背景与专业经验于一身,有力地保证了这套系列教材的编撰质量。  本套教材在编撰过程中得到了高等教育出版社的大力支持,在此特致感谢。


商务英语系列教材为普通高等教育“十五”国家级规划教材,是为适应中国加入世界贸易组织以后对复合型商务人才的需求而编写的。《商务英语阅读》是该系列教材之一。 本书精选了世界著名英语报纸、杂志、网站和学术刊物中与经济和商务有关的文章,进行了精心编排注释并配备具有针对性的练习,使读者能够掌握商务报刊文章的特点,提高阅读能力,同时了解国际商务知识。全书共分14章,每章有一篇主课文和补充阅读课文。本书配有练习答案和附录。 本书适用于商务英语专业的学生,同时也适用于对外经贸、财政金融、工商管理等专业的学生,也可供从事国际商务经贸工作的人员参考使用。




Chapter 1 The Long March Supplementary Reading Time for a Tune-upChapter 2 The New Economy How Real Is It? Supplementary Reading Governing Principles for the New EconomyChapter 3 13orders and Barriers Does the Euro Really Make the EU a Single Market for Business? Supplementary Reading A New Future for EuropeChapter 4 EconomyTerrorized From Wall Street to Main Street, Layoffs, Losses, and Little Hope Supplementary Reading  America's New RecessionChapter 5 Fast Track to Lost Jobs  Trade Deficits and Manufacturing Decline Are the Legacies of NAFTA and the WTO Supplementary Reading What Impact Has NAFTA Had on Jobs and Wages?Chapter 6 Lessons for Europe from the Ouebec Trade Summit Supplementary Reading WTO Finds U.S. Trade Damaged by EU Beef Import BanChapter 7 WTO Dispute Settlement as a Model for International Governance Supplementary Reading On World Trade Organization  ……


  The interbank unsecured-money market, for instance, is in effect pan-European,with large banks successfully feeding liquidity to smaller, national banks. The securedmarket has been less successful, largely because its very existence has exposed problemsin the underlying infrastructure that can make it difficult to transfer collateral. Intime, however, as these problems are tackled, it should become bigger than theunsecured market.  The eurobond market has also been an overall success, thanks in part to theintegrated clearing and settlement infrastructure that predated it. In the corporatemarket, well-known companies such as Philips6 have launched big benchmark issues,and even a few small, unrated companies such as Ducati7 have issued bondssuccessfully. Jan Hommen, chief financial officer at Philips, says the market is becomingdeeper and better segmented, pointing to the ease with which he raised EUR4.25billion in two separate deals this year.  Observers say that fewer medium-sized companies have raised money by issuingbonds than was hoped at the outset. Until more do so, the bank-driven alternativesystem of funding will continue to misallocate capital. This is a fair criticism. But themarket has shown that it can fulfil its function as a viable long-term alternative to thebank debt that has always dominated European financial intermediation. In the earlypart of this year it provided a flood of liquidity to telecoms issuers as equity investorsenthusiasm for that industry dried up. The issuance has since also dried up, but itrepresented progress.  These successes are tempered by the relative failure so far to integrate Europesequity markets, although more and more shares are quoted in euros, and there havebeen some mergers among stock exchanges, the underlyirlg markets remainfragmented. One reason is that equities are more complex instruments than bonds.A more powerful one, however, is that vested interests at local level have blockedefforts to integrate securities markets.  "Consider Europes rival clearing and settlement systems. Ideally, Europe shouldhave a central counterparty for all securities trading, because that would be mostefficient for settlement and for minimizing movements of collateral. At present, thisseems unlikely to happen. In principle, however, it should be possible for severalsecurities markets to coexist in the euro zone, each with its own trading exchange,clearing mechanism, settlement system and depository.







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