

郝长江,董丽明 总主编 高等教育出版社





郝长江,董丽明 总主编  






  改革开放以来,随着我国对外交往和学术交流的不断深入,社会对专业技术人员的外语水平要求也越来越高。在这种形势下,我国对大学英语教学进行了一系列改革和创新,取得了很大成绩。但是应用提高阶段的专业英语尤其是医学专业英语的教学还很薄弱,其中一个重要原因是医学专业英语教材的改革和创新与时代的发展及需要极不适应。为了深化医学英语教学改革,使广大医学院校的本科生、研究生尽快掌握21世纪迫切需要的、在一定专业领域内以英语为工具进行信息交流的能力,根据教育部《大学英语教学大纲[修订本]》的要求,我们组织国内部分医学院校具有丰富教学经验的教授、专家编写了《21世纪大学医学英语》系列教材。  本系列教材在编写过程中注意突出时代性和实用性。选材充分注意到了反映最新的医学科技发展状况,体现现代医学理念,改变专业英语即是专业阅读这种单一的教学模式,兼顾了听、说、写、译诸方面的能力培养,安排了一系列适合于语言运用能力提高的练习。本系列教材还特别注意了与大学英语四、六级教学要求的衔接,以利学生从大学英语基础阶段到应用提高阶段的专业英语的平稳过渡和提高。  本系列教材由《基础医学英语》、《临床医学英语》、《医学英语听与说》、《医学英语写作与翻译》四册组成。  本书为《临床医学英语》,共有18个单元,每个单元由同一专题的2篇课文组成,内容涉及当代医学发展的最新成果和理念,既包括医院管理方面的内容,更包括肾性高血压、心导管技术、糖尿病诊断标准、哮喘、上消化道出血、胰腺移植、勃起障碍治疗、心血管搭桥术、腹腔镜在妇科中的应用、艾滋病与恶性肿瘤、人类与环境、脑梗塞、核医学、老年失眠的行为和药物治疗等临床各主要专业的最新进展。




Unit 1  Text A The Modern Hospital:An Overview Text B Emergency Departments Open New Doors to Technology, Patient ServiceUnit 2  Text A Renal Hypertension Text B Hypertension and the KidneyUnit 3  Text A Cardiac Catheterization and Interventional Procedures:Historical Background Text B Nonsurgical Treatment of Hepatocellular CarcinomaUnit 4  Text A Acute Renal Failure Text B Renal TransplantationUnit 5  Text A When Is Diabetes Diabetes? Text B Diabetes Care and Patient-oriented OutcomesUnit 6  Text A Asthma Text B The Future in Asthma TreatmentUnit 7  Text A Acute Upper Gastrointestinal Haemorrhage Text B Clinical Assessment and Early Endoscopic Diagnosis of Upper Gastrointestinal BleedingUnit 8  Text A Pancreas Transplantation Text B Transplantation in the 2]st CenturyUnit 9  Text A Current Treatment for Erectile Dysfunction and the Future Text B Lysophosphatidic Acid as a Potential Biomarker for Ovarian and Other Gynecologic CancersUnit 10  Text A SurgicaJ Treatment of Coronary Artery Disease Text B How Do We Best Treat Patients With Ischemic Heart Disease?Unit 11  Text A Laparoscopy in Gynecology Text B Laparoscopic Radical ProstatectomyUnit 12  Text A Stress and Peptic Ulcer Disease Text B Does Stress Cause Cancer?Unit 13  Text A Spectrum of AIDS-associated Malignant Disorders Text B Secondary Immunodeficiency Diseases:Acquired Immunodeficiency SyndromeUnit 14  Text A Respiratory Distress Syndrome of Shock and Trauma Text B Recent Advances in Intensive CareUnit 15  Text A Humans and Environment Text B Recognizing Occupational DiseaseUnit 16  Text A Infarction(CT Scanning) Text B MRI of Eccrine CystadenomaUnit 17  Text A Nuclear Medicine- Imaging Systems Text B MagnetsUnit 18  Text A Behavioral and Pharmacological Therapies for Late-life Insomnia Text B Medicine Must Change to Serve an Aging Society Key to Exercises参考译文Glossary


  para 3 The Church assumed the primary responsibility for the care of the sick during the Middle Ages. Hospitals continued to be used as rest houses, but they gradually acquired a bad reputation. They became known as places of filth and death, to be avoided at all costs, it is no wonder that early American settlers in the New World did not want to establish hospitals. It was not until 1713 that William Penn founded the first community hospital in the colonies in Philadelphia.  para 4  During the nineteenth century, medical advances changed all this.Louis Pasteur developed his germ theory, and Florence Nightingale made nursing a respectable profession. Since then, the number of hospitals has grown dramatically in the world. By 1873, in the United States alone, there were nearly 200 hospitals. Today, there are more than 7000.  para 5 There are many different kinds of hospitals. The most common is the general or community hospital. It treats patients of all ages and numerous illnesses and injuries. Most patients have acute problems and usually stay less than a week.  para 6 Other hospitals provide more specialized care. Some treat patients with chronic illnesses and offer facilities for long-term care. Others take patients of only one age group, such as children, or patients with one particular illness, such as tuberculosis.  para 7 Hospitals can also be categorized according to the nature of their financial support. Most hospitals in the world are financed by the government of the country in which they are located.




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