邱以亮 总主编,周韵 主编
“旅游实用英语”是中等职业学校旅游类专业的主干课程之一。随着对外开放的不断深入,我国的旅游业得到迅猛发展,对旅游服务人员英语素质的要求也越来越高,原来使用的《旅游实用英语》(高等教育出版社1989年版)教材中的内容显然已经不再适应当前旅游业发展的要求。在征得原作者同意后,我们对原书进行了较大幅度的修改和增删,其目的是使该教材能更加适应我国中等职业学校旅游类专业的教学要求。 本教材根据《中等职业学校英语教学大纲》的要求和学生的实际水平,遵循中等职业学校专业英语教学的规律改编而成。将原教材的三册合并为两册,每册包括12个单元及2个综合练习,供旅游类专业学生在学习了一定的“基础英语”之后使用。教材保留了原有的部分篇目,又补充了大量题材新颖、与旅游业紧密相关的内容。每个单元都以一个与旅游业有关的话题为主线,以听、说技能的培养为主,兼顾读、写能力的培养。听、说、读、写训练的编排充分体现了课前与课后、课内与课外的紧密联系。 《旅游实用英语》基础性、实用性较强。我们在编写的过程中着重考虑了旅游类专业的实际需要,本着由浅入深、循序渐进的原则,对出现的语法现象只在每个单元后的注释中解释,课后的练习也侧重于听、说的训练。所以我们建议在教学过程中要以听、说为中心全面展开语言技能的训练,切忌在讲解语法、分析句子上花费过多的时间。
Unit 1 Shopping Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading WritingUnit 2 Seeing a Doctor Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading WritingUnit 3 Transportation Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading WritingUnit 4 At the Lost and Found Desk Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading WritingUnit 5 Dealing with Emergency Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading WritingUnit 6 Settling Complaints Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading Writing综合练习(一)Unit 7 At the Business Center Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading WritingUnit 8 Entertainment Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading WritingUnit 9 Convention Service Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading WritingUnit 10 Food and Beverage Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading WritingUnit 11 Scenic Spots Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading WritingUnit 12 Olympics in China Warm-up Listening Speaking Reading Writing综合练习(二)
插图:Rose works in a shop. One afternoon a middle-aged woman camein, sat on a stool in front of the counter, and smiled at her brightly."1 want a record, dear," she said, "which I heard on the radio thismorning.""What was the record called?" Rose asked. The woman shook her head."1 don't remember. Perhaps if you play me a few records, I shallbe able to pick it out.""We have hundreds of records," Rose pointed out. "It would takea very long time to play you even a little of each. Could you sing alittle bit of it to me?"The woman shook her head again. "Sorry, I can't sing at all."Then .suddenly her face brightened."1 have just remembered something," she said. "It comes from aplay. The play is about a girl who speaks very badly, if you see what Imean. But after a time she learns to talk well. Something about ...""This is enough for me. It's from My Fair Lady, I think," she said."That's it, dear. If you had thought of it sooner, we wouldn'thave wasted so much time," the woman said. "1 suppose you are newto the job."