

郭兆康 编 高等教育出版社





郭兆康 编  




  进入21世纪以来,中国已经成为世界上最可靠的投资热土和最安全的旅游胜地。在最近的20年内,中国将从一个旅游大国发展成为旅游强国,这无疑是不争的事实。我们迅速发展的旅游业呈现出一些令人可喜的态势。一种适应于个性化、多样化需求的“新时代旅游”正在取代原有的适应于大众化、单一化常规需求的“大众式旅游”。此外,随着知识经济时代的到来,传统宾馆、酒店企业的组织和功能、管理理念、营销哲学、经营手段、服务措施等已经并正在受到全面挑战,发生重大变化。这些变化和挑战,集中反映在旅游业从业人员的职业道德、服务质量、管理水平和外语能力等基本素质上。我们不得不指出,我国旅游业特别是宾馆、酒店业员工的英语水平仍然普遍较低,与国际水平相比还有一定的差距,亟需提高。同时,旅游高等专科教育和高等职业技术教育在我国也方兴未艾,前景广阔。在旅游高专高职教育中,各类专业英语的教学占有举足轻重的地位。数年来,笔者在此领域笔耕不辍,填补空白,出版了数种宾馆、酒店业专业英语教材。但是,面对新时代旅游业的新趋势,面对宾馆、酒店业提高品位、扩大经营范围的客观需求,我们深感有必要编写新的宾馆英语教材,争取有所突破、有所发展、有所建树,为培养宾馆、酒店业所急需的新一代既精通业务又谙熟外语的高级服务人才与中、高级管理人才,为提高宾馆、酒店业各类岗位群在职员工的外语水平和涉外交际能力略尽绵薄之力。这就是我们编著《宾馆英语》的初衷。  本教材的读者对象包括普通高校专科、高职、自考高等专科、成人教育(含夜大、职大、业大、电大等)高等专科、专业证书高等专科的旅游管理专业及宾馆(酒店)管理专业的学生及宾馆、酒店从业人员。


  《宾馆英语》共16单元,每单元分4大模块;听力、会话、基础知识和综合练习。内容选材突出宾馆、酒店业一线服务和现场管理中各个环节,坚持听说领先的原则和任务为基(Task Based)的原则,以培养学生口头交际能力为主旨,目的是为宾馆、酒店业培养一批既精通业务、又能熟练运用英语进行交际的中、高级管理人材。


UNIT 1 HOIEL INDUSTRY ABC1. What Is a Hotel?2. How to Enter the Hotel World3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT 2 ROOM RESERVATION1. What to Do in Handling Room Reservations2. How to Handle Room Reservations3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT 3 REGISTRATION1 What Do You Know About a Registration Form?2. How to Register Guests3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT 4 CINCIERGE1. What Do We Do Every Day2. How to Do Our Service Properly3. Summary of Our WorkUNIT 5 THE CASHIER1. What to Do with the Hotel Bills2. How to Be a Hotel Cashier3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT 6 HOUSEKEEPING(Ⅰ)1. What Work Is Included in This Department2. How to Do the Chamber Service3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT 7 HOUSEKEEPING(Ⅱ)1. What Are Included in Personal -Services2. How to Offer Personal Services3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT 8 SERVING CHINESE FOOD1. What Is Served Here2. How to Work in the Food & Becerra Department3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT 9 SERNING WESTERNFOOD1. What Is Served in a Western Restaurant?2. How to Serve Western Cuisine3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT 10 SERNING BEVERAGESI. What Are the Beverages We Serve?2. How to Serve Beverages3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT 11 SHOPPING ARCADEI. What Is to Be Sold in Our Shopping Arcade2. How to Promote Chinese National Culture3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT 12 RECREATION DEPARTMENTS1. What Activities Can We Go in for Here2. How to Do Service Here3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNlT13 MEEIING1. What Are Provided for the Meeting Planner2. How to Arrange Catering for a Meeting or Seminar3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNII 14 EXHIBITION1. What Types of Exhibition Are to Be Served2. Get Ready to Serve and Set up Booths3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT15 SETTLLNG COMPLAINTS1. What Will the Guests Complain About2. How to Settle Complaints3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationUNIT 16 HOTEL MANAGEMENT1. What Does Hotel Management Mean2. How Is the Hotel Management Working3. Summary of Our Work4. ConsolidationAPPENDIX TAPESCRIPTS


  A meeting is generally defined as the gathering of people in one place, to confer or carry out a particular activity. A variety of factors serve to increase the demand for meetings. One of them is the need for communication at personalized level and the opportunity for individual to exchange ideas and views. In contrast, printed and electronic information, even with developments in video conferencing, cannot vie with this personal contact. The importance of a meeting does not lie merely in what the keynoters said. The total atmosphere of the event and the subsequent stimulation also add to the significance of a meeting.  The huge and rising growth in meeting business does not help to motivate interest alone. Other goals can be achieved through group participation. They are education, strategic planning, team building, problem solving, training, reorganization, sales promotion and new product introduction, for which the attendees share the information.  Meetings, whether they are conferences or conventions, increasingly overlap with incentive travel. This is because companies both at home and abroad are attaching much importance to rewarding good performance of employees. Therefore, conferences, with their designated function of motivation, constitute parts of the incentive program.




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