UNITIGENERALINTRODUCTIONTEXT1 WhatIsLogistics? 2TEXT2Dialogue 1Very High Percentage7TEXT3CareerInLogistics13Dialogue 2 MyLifetime Career20UNIT 2ANIMPORTANT FACTORTEXT1CustomerService 26Dialogue 1Kinds of Production 32TEXT2The 80-20 Curve34Dialogue 2Reducing PriceToRemain Competitive 40UNIT 3TRANSPORTATIONTEXT1 JIT44Dialogue 1LetsLearn MoreAboutInventory 49TEXT 2Transport53Dialogue 2 Freight 55UNIT 4LOGISTICSSIRATEGYTEXT1Improved CustomerService 60Dialogue 1I NeedSpark Plugs66TEXT2ReasonableInventory Cost 69Dialogue 2 How MuchShouldI Order?75UNIT 5PACKAGINGTEXT1Packaging Function 82Dialogue 1WhatShall WeDo? 88TEXT2Recyclable Container90Dialogue 2A-typeAnd B-type97UNIT 6PURCHARINIGTEXT1TheImportance of Purchasing102Dialogue 1FewerSuppliers 107TEXT2 Order QuantitiesAndTiming 112Dialogue 2 ZeroInventory 115UNIT 7INFORMATIONTEXT1InformationIs Crucial 120Dialogue 1Bar Code125TEXT 2TechnologyAt UPS 128Dialogue 2 Merchant from Malmoe 132UNIT 8SUPPLY CHAINTEXT1Can We BeSelf-sufficient? 140Dialogue 1WhatDid ExelDo? 146TEXT2LogisticsRequirements149Dialogue 2 WhereShouldTheGoodsGo?154UNIT 9MARITIMETRANSPORTATIONTEXT1Shipping Procedures160Dialogue 1Anti-dated B/L166TEXT2MatesReceiptAndRemarks 168Dialogue 2 Change ofDestination174UNIT 10THIRD-PARTYLOGISTICSTEXT1Supply Chain Management 178Dialogue 1OrderAnd Packing 182TEXT23PLLogistics Expertise for Manufacturers187Dialogue 2Can WeGet Compensated?192Reference KAYSTapeecripts for Exercises 221
required products and services to be provided by a network of independent suppliers. The key to effective marketing was finally found by developing a strong network of independent dealers. As time passed, Ford discovered that specialized firms could perform most essential work as well as or better than his own bureaucracy. In fact, these specialists often outperformed Fords own units with respect to quality and cost. Entrepreneurial firms soon became contributors to Fords network. Over time, the Ford strategy shifted from ownership-based control to one of orchestrating channel relationships. The financial resources at Ford were shifted to developing and maintaining core manufacturing competencies. Ford found out that in the final analysis, no firm can be self sufficient. In the later part of the 20th century, Ford Motor Company began to rely on specialist logistics companies for logistics service. Ford Fleet, for example, has been outsourcing its logistics from Exel, a world class leader in supply chain solutions, since 1986, as Ford Fleet found its transport cost was rising while profit diminished. The problem with Ford at that time was that it had come under increasing pressure from industry over-capacity and heightened consumer awareness. Fords purpose was to cut costs from the global supplier base, while expanding its role as a consumer organization. With Exels support, Ford has realized significant benefits throughout its corporate sales division. This has included a 19% reduction in transportation costs over a period of four years. Proactive fleet management has produced a six-figure saving and has increased the overall utilization and therefore the in- service potential of the demonstration fleet. Equipping drivers with mobile phones has led to a reduction in aborted journeys from 7% to 2%. This produces a saving in terms of driver time and delivered miles on the vehicle. The financial savings for Ford from the efficiency actions taken by Exel have been complemented by an increase in the service levels to Fords customers. Exel is continuously improving the service offering through constant evaluation, development and innovation.