外国护理学校毕业生委员会 编
《美国CGFNS护士资格考试指南》由美国外国护理学校毕业生委员会(CGFNS)编写,其性质相当于考试大纲,但比大纲更详细、具体,更具指导性。全书共分为十三章,其中第一至第九章分别介绍了CGFNS的背景、如何申请参加CGFNS资格考试、CGFNS考试的设计、如何回答客观考题以及推荐的学习资源等,并对CGFNS护士资格考试的报考要求、考查范围、试卷结构、应试技巧等做了详尽的说明。第十至第十三章为CGFNS最新编写的四套全真模拟试卷、答案和解析。《美国CGFNS护士资格考试指南》(第5版)(英汉对照)(原书名Official Study Guide for the CGFNS Qualifying Exam,fifth edition)是中国境内惟一获得CGFNS(美国外国护理学校毕业生委员会)正式授权出版的CGFNS护士资格考试用书。
译者:北京泰跃教育投资管理有限公司 编者:(美国)外国护理学校毕业生委员会
Introduction简介Chapter 1 CGFNS Origins and Current ActivitiesCGFNS的起源和现状Chapter 2 Applying to Take the CGFNS Qualifying Exam申请参加CGFNS资格考试Chapter 3 The CGFNS Qualifying ExamCGFNS资格考试Chapter 4 How to Read.Understand and Answer Objective Exam Questions如何阅读、理解和回答客观考试题Chapter 5 Design of the CGFNS Qualifying ExamCGFNS资格考试的设计Client Needs患者需要The Five Phases of the Nursing Process护理过程的五个阶段Chapter 6 Suggested Resources for English Language Study Materials推荐的英语学习材料来源The Test of English as a Foreign Language(TOEFL)托福考试(TOEFL)Chapter 7 Sample English Language Proficiency Questions英语语言能力样题Answers and Explanations to the Sample English Language Proficiency Questiol英语语言能力样题答案和解释Chapter 8 Suggested Study Resources推荐的学习资源Chapter 9 CGFNS Practice Test InstructionsCGFNS执业考试说明Chapter 10 CGFNS Qualifying Exam Practice Exam ACGFNS执业考试APractice Exam A:Nursing,Part 1执业考试A:护理第1部分Practice Exam A:Nursing,Part 2执业考试A:护理第2部分Rationales.Practice Exam A:Nursing,Part 1基本原理一执业考试A:护理第1部分Rationales.Practice Exam A:Nursing,Part 2基本原理一执业考试A:护理第2部分Chapter 11 CGFNS Qnalifying Exam Practice Exam BCGFNS执业考试BPractice Exam B:Nursing,Part 1执业考试B:护理第1部分Practice Exam B:Nursing,Part 2执业考试B:护理第2部分Rationales.Practice Exam B:Nursing,Part 1基本原理一执业考试B:护理第1部分Rationales-Practice Exam B:Nursing,Part 2基本原理一执业考试B:护理第2部分Chapter 12 CGFNS Quailfying Exam Practice Exam CCGFNS执业考试CPractice Exam C:Nursing,Part 1执业考试C:护理第1部分Practice Exam C:Nursing,Part 2执业考试C:护理第2部分Rationales-Practice Exam C:Nursing,Part 1基本原理一执业考试C:护理第1部分Rationales-Practice Exam C:Nursing,Part 2基本原理一执业考试C:护理第2部分Chapter 13 CGFNS Qualifying Exam Practice Exam DCGFNS执业考试DPractice Exam D:Nursing,Part 1执业考试D:护理第1部分Practice Exam D:Nursing,Part 2执业考试D:护理第2部分Rationales-Practice Exam D:Nursing,Part 1基本原理一执业考试D:护理第1部分Rationales-Practice Exam D:Nursing,Part 2基本原理一执业考试D:护理第2部分Appendices附录A Glossery of Terms术语表B Check List and Answer Sheets for Practice Tests执业考试检查表和答题纸
CGFNS Origins and Current ActivitiesEstablishment of CGFNSThe Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools (CGFNS) is a nonprofit organization based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in the United States of America. CGFNS was founded through the efforts of a number of organizations. Among these founders were several U. S. government agencies and prvate, nonprofit associations, including two prominent U, S. nursing organizations, the American Nurses Association (ANA) and the National League for Nursing (NLN).Though it was established in 1977, CGFNS' origins predate its founding. During the late 1960s and early 1970s, changes in immigration laws and regulations resulted in a steady increase in the numbers of nurses entering the United States as immigrants with preferred status because they had skills that were in short supply in the United States. Additional numbers were admitted as persons of "distinguished merit and ability" on non-immigrant visas who were eligible for indefinite extension. In order to practice as registered nurses in America, nurses educated outside the United States first had to be licensed in the United States. Then, as now, each U. S. state and territory administered the licensing process through its own board of nursing. While individual state licensure requirements varied, nearly all states required registered nurses to pass a national registered nurse licensure exam in order to earn a license. Many of the internationally educated nurses who came to the United States and took the registered nurse licensure examination did not pass the exam. Without an RN license, they could not work as a registered nurse in the United States. Many of the nurses who failed to become licensed as RNs had entered the United States on temporary work visas that limited the length of their stay.These unlicensed nurses frequently were unable to earn a living and had to leave the United States when their visas expired.Some internationally educated nurses remained in the United States. Many of these nurses found other work. Some worked as nurses aides or nursing assistants. In these positions, their salaries were not as high as those of registered nurses.Institutions that needed registered nurses often could not find enough RNs to fill vacant job positions. Some internationally educated nurses who had not been able to earn RN licenses in the United States found themselves being askect to perform the duties of registered nurses in these institutions, despite the fact that it placed patients at great risk and required these nurses to break the law.The founders of CGFNS believed that it was important for nurses educated outside the United States to know before they left their home country whether or not they could expect to pass the U.S. registered nurse licensure examination. This, in turn, would help curb abuses such as those described above. And so, in 1977, CGFNS was established, in part, to help internationally educated nurses determine their likelihood of passing the licensure exam.
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