杨永林 编
赤日炎炎的夏日,渐次消去;习习送爽的秋风,迎面扑来。暑期沉寂了一阵的清华园,随着新学期的开始,又逐渐恢复了往日的活力与喧闹。与此同时,《体验英语写作》的编辑工作,也接近了尾声。作为本套教材的编者,我的心中不免稍有释然,感受这片刻的宁静。静思之余,浮想联翩,编写过程中师生同心,相互砥砺,撰写妙文,共创辉煌的生动情景,历历在目,挥之不去,思之愈彰——寒意料峭的初春,SARS肆虐的5月,绿荷满塘的仲夏,酷热炙人的初秋,目睹了我们体验挑战的痛苦,见证了我们战胜自我的欢愉,预示着能力发展的巨大推动力量! 以下,采用追溯回顾(retrospection)和自然描述(naturalism)的方法,谈谈我在长期的英语写作教学过程中逐渐形成的一些理论见解和心得体会,旨在进一步展示“体验英语写作”的要旨,阐述从“痛苦写作”到“快乐写作”、从“快乐写作”到“学术写作”三级跨越式能力培养模式,品味“我思故我写”这一命题的教育学底蕴。目的只有一个,那就是和大家一起,共同探索走向“成功写作”(how to become a successfulwriter)之路的“心路历程”(heart-felt pilgrimage ofprogress in our English writing)。 在过去的15年问,就自身的教学与科研工作而言,我仿佛同英语写作结下了不解之缘。1989-1991年期间,我在美国康州中央大学英语系做访问学者,兼攻应用语言学(17ESQL)硕士学位。从那时开始关注英语写作教学研究,并且利用那里丰富的图书资料和便捷的网络查询系统,完成了一篇有关写作研究的课程论文,受到了导师的好评。回国以后,经过进一步的修改,该篇论文以“Trends in the Teaching of Writing”为题目,发表在欧洲语言协会会刊上xmguage Learning Journal(Yang,1995)之上。从此以后,英语写作便逐渐成为自己教学与科研中的一个主要内容。
Pretace 前 言 I
A General Syllabus for OurWriting Class课程介绍 vii
UNIT 1 LetMeTellYOu aScienceStow 1
UNIT 2 Free Writing Again 25
UNIT 3 Hope Is One Thing&Reality Is Another 47
UNIT 4 It"S Fun to Complete O Fairy Tale in English 71
UNIT 5 I Completed an Outline for My Big Project 89
UNIT 6 I Want to Say More About My Big Project 107
UNIT 7 IfYou Need a Good Abstract,Why Not TryEAME? 161
UNIT 8 Progress of a Happy Pilgrim 197
References参考书目 233
Critical Thinking&Innovative Writing 批判思维与创新写作· I Introduction Currently,we are having a heated discussion in China about the efficiency of English teaching and learning(英语教学实效性).Admittedly,there are many things that are related to a careful discussion of this problem.Among other major problems you may have already observed,how to develop the critical thinking of students has long been a bottle-neck issue(瓶颈现象)that has not received due attention and appropriate treatment in our education tradition for long.When it comes to this point,you begin to wonder:How is such a serious issue related to our immediate concern-how to write a science story in our writing class?It depends.All depends on how you look at the relationships between creative expressing,imaginative writing,and critical thinking. As you fully understand,rich imagination is an important source for good science stories in our time."Your words sound pedantic.Give me something more real,"you say impatiently and become eager to know more.Take it easy!Let us tr),to think about these big questions before taking some practical examples.Where do we get imagination?How can we be more creative?Or,in a word,how can we write a science story that is both well-written and unique?You do not want to write something trite(千人一面的文章),do you?Keep this point in mind and you will soon realize why learning how to develop critical thinking should be one of the major concerns in our writing class.II What Goes Wrong with a Traditional Way of Teaching? If we take up a critical point of view(批判性观点),we can identify many problems ln the current education practice.For instance,in a traditional classroom,we iust urcle students to memorize what we give them and seldom encourage them to think about a given issue from their own perspective.Nor do we ask them to go one more step and learn to examine the target issue from different perspectives to try to understand it on a well. 。nformed,interactive,creative,and critical foundation of conceptualization(在充分了 解、互动创新、批判接受基础上的理解).The unfortunate result of such ignorance is that some potential abilities in the development of creativity,critical thinking,and individuaI. ism(创新性、批判性、个性化发展)might be suppressed(受到遏制).In the long run(长此以往),this practice will do more harm to the whole society and the vitality of the society (社会活力)will be greatly reduced.Scientifically or academically speaking(不论是从科学角度来讲,还是从学术角度而言),this phenomenon will also form a hindrance(形成障碍)in our search for a more objective understanding of the physical world around us Any important discovery in science and technology can never do without an initial Pedagogically speaking(从教育学业的角度来 说),this problem also tends to induce many negative effects(负面影响).Some major problems caused by the lack of emphasis and training in this respect can be summarized as follows: 1 Students fail to learn how to think independently(缺乏独立思考能力). 2 Their autonomy in creation and production is jeopardized as well(阻碍自主创新). 3 Their research potential is not activated(研究潜势缺乏激励). 4 Learning becomes a process of passive knowledge transition(学习成为被动知识的传送过程). 5 Self evaluation and self management do not receive due attention(忽略自我评价与自我管理).III What Goes Wrong with a Traditional Writing Class? We think that these negative things are also some big problems that threaten a successful writing class in a language learning context.Among them,critical thinking deserves a special consideration.We have observed for long that a more serious problem our student writers encounter in their writing is not"how to write"(如何表达的问题)but"how to think"(如何思考的问题).A complaint often heard from the students"side is"I don"t know what to write in my writing class."What is covered under this complaint could be a more intriguing problem that student writers have to face,namely,how to develop their potential in critical thinking.More specifically,this statement implies the difficulty in knowing how to take a position independently and how to express oneself on a well informed,objective,and critical foundation of argument.This could be the case especially when student writers are engaged in argumentative or academic writing(议论文写作或学术写作). As writing instructors,we have the same problems in our work.There have been so many competing theories(理论竞现)in our field that we do not know which is good for our immediate concerns(解决眼下问题).There are also so many methods that we do not know which IS suitable for our class.1 he dilemma we have in both cases IS that we do not have enough time,money,and energy to try each of them and see which will work(起 作用).In a situation like this,we need some critical thinking to come in and help US make a sensible decision.IV Why Critical Thinking in Our Writing Class?For student writers,the same thing is true.You cannot expect to find a panacea(万灵药)to solve all the problems you may have in your studies.Meanwhile,we have to admit that English writing is a rather demanding iOb.A good performance in this respect means a lot of things.Creativity(创造性),imagination(想像力),motivation(学习动机),life experience(生活经验),language proficiency(语言能力),and proper practice(适度 实践)are some major factors that will make a successful writer in English.In relation to the focus of our discussion,you may well raise a question like this:"Yes, critical thinking could be something I need.But how can I relate it to my training in English writing?"This is a really good question.It will take more time than we can afford here if you want a satisfactory answer.What seems to be more urgent is that you need some tips and incentives(激励措施)to help you write a good science story this time.So,all we want to say about this terminology(术语)is:Critical thinking may mean a lot of things. In your case,all you need to do is:Try to be different on a reasonable condition(充满理性的与众不同),if you want to have some critical thinking in your writing practice.As you can see from the bold words(黑体字),there are two principles you need to follow if you hope to apply this concept to your writing task:Try to be different while also trying to be reasonable.How well you can make a balance between the two(取舍得当)will definitely be a good indication of how well you have succeeded in using this magic power——critical thinking——in your writing training.Are you ready for it?
是正版的 只是我不懂得怎么用,自己的水平不够,书很好,呵呵