

李国津 高等教育出版社













本书全面系统阐述了管理经济学的基本理论、优化方法和决策实践,同时根据信息经济、世界经济全球化、技术发展迅速等一系列经济环境的变化,增添了大量新的内容,以适应企业管理实际决策的要求,本书把厂商视为一个内在的统一体,在此基础上构建一个基本的价值模型,把企业的会计、财务、营销、人事、生产等加以整合,这种整合研究方法表现出作者突出理论前沿、贴近管理决策与实践的写作宗旨。 本书面向读者需要,可读性极强,适于经济和管理各专业的本科生和研究生作为教材阅读,也适用于各类企业、部门管理干部为增加专业知识和提高管理决策水平而自学学习。


马克·赫斯切(Mark Hirschey),美国堪萨斯大学教授与研究员,教授管理经济学和财务课程。马克·赫斯切是金融经济学协会主席和几个专业组织的成员。他在美国《美国经济评论》、《会计研究》、《企业杂志》、《企业与经济统计》、《金融杂志》等刊物上发表文章。他是《金融经


PART 1 OVERVIEW OF MANAGERIAL ECONOMICS 1 Introduction  How Is Managerial Economics Useful?  Managerial Application 1.1: Managerial Ethics  Theory of the Firm  Profit Measurement  Why Do Profits Vary Among Firms?  Role of Business in Society  Managerial Application 1.2: The Internet Revolution  Structure of This Text  Summary 2 Basic Economic Relations  Economic Optimization Process  Basic Economic Relations  Managerial Application 2.1: Does Good Theory Always Work in Practice?  Marginal Analysis in Decision Making   Practical Applications of Marginal Analysis  Managerial Application 2.2: How Entrepreneurs Shape the Economy  Incremental Concept in Economic Analysis  Summary 3 Statistical Analysis of Economic Relations  Data Summary and Description  Measures of Central Tendency  Managerial Application 3.1: Sampling Technology for TV Advertising  Measures of Dispersion  Hypothesis Testing  Regression Analysis  Regression Statistics  Managerial Application 3.2: Spreadsheet and Statistical Software for the PC  Demand Estimation Example  SummaryPART 2 DEMAND ANALYSIS 4 Demand and Supply  Basis for Demand  Managerial Application 4.1: How the Internet Affects Demand and Supply  Market Demand Function  Demand Curve  Basis for Supply  Market Supply Function  Supply Curve  Managerial Application 4.2: Demand and Supply Conditions for Economists  Market Equilibrium  Summary 5 Demand Analysis and Estimation  Demand Sensitivity Analysis: Elasticity  Price Elasticity of Demand  Managerial Application 5.1: Due Diligence in E-Commerce  Price Elasticity and Marginal Revenue  Price Elasticity and Optimal Pricing Policy  Managerial Application 5.2: Relationship Marketing  Cross-Price Elasticity of Demand  Income Elasticity of Demand  Summary 6 Forecasting  What Is Economic Forecasting?  Common Types of Forecasting Problems  Managerial Application 6.1: Economic Forecasting: The Art and the Science  Qualitative Analysis  Trend Analysis and Projection  Business Cycle  Exponential Smoothing Techniques  Managerial Application 6.2: The Stock Market and the Business Cycle  SummaryPART 3 PRODUCTION AND COST ANALYSIS 7 Production Analysis and Compensation Policy  Production Functions  Total, Marginal, and Average Product  Managerial Application 7.1: Total Quality Management  Law of Diminishing Returns to a Factor  Input Combination Choice  Managerial Application 7.2: Are CEOs Overpaid?  Marginal Revenue Product and Optimal Employment  Input Demand Function  Optimal Combination of Multiple Inputs  Optimal Levels of Multiple Inputs  Returns to Scale  Production Function Estimation  Productivity Measurement  Summary  Cost Analysis and Estimation  What Makes Cost Analysis Difficult?  Opportunity Costs  Incremental and Sunk Costs in Decision Analysis  Short-Run and Long-Run Costs  Short-Run Cost Curves  Managerial Application 8.1: Gaps in GAAP?   Long-Run Cost Curves  Minimum Efficient Scale   Firm Size and Plant Size  Managerial Application 8.2: Bigger Isn't Always Better   Learning Curves  Economies of Scope  Cost-Volume-Profit Analysis  SummaryPART 4 MARKET STRUCTURE ANALYSIS AND ESTIMATION 9 Perfect Competition and Monopoly  Contrast Between Perfect Competition and Monopoly  Managerial Application 9.1: Is the Stock Market Perfectly Competitive?  Factors That Determine the Level of Competition  Perfect Competition  Monopoly  Countervailing Power: The Monopoly/Monophony Confrontation   Measurement of Business Profit Rates   Managerial Application 9.2: Wrigley's Success Formula  Link Between Market Structure and Business Profit Rates  Competitive Strategy in Perfectly Competitive and Monopoly Markets  Summary 10 Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly   Contrast Between Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly  Monopolistic Competition  Managerial Application 10.1: Intel: Running Fast to Stay in Place  Illustration of Monopolistically Competitive Equilibrium  Oligopoly   Nonprice Competition   Game Theory  Managerial Application 10.2: Dot.com   Market Structure Measurement   Census Measures of Market Concentration   Competitive Strategy in Monopolistic Competition and Oligopoly Markets   Summary  11 Pricing Practices  Markup Pricing  Managerial Application 11.1: 10~ for a Gallon of Gas in Dayton, Ohio  Markup Pricing and Profit Maximization  Price Discrimination   Price Discrimination Example   Multiple-Unit Pricing Strategies  Managerial Application 11.2: Do Colleges Price Discriminate?  Multiple-Product Pricing  Example of Joint Product Pricing  Transfer Pricing  Global Transfer Pricing Example  Summary PART 5 LONG-TERM INVESTMENT DECISIONS 12 Regulation of the Market Economy  Competition and the Role of Government  Regulatory Response to Incentive Failures  WhoPays the Costs of Regulation?  Regulatory Response to Structural Failures  Managerial Application 12.1: Microsoft's Antitrust Woes  Antitrust Policy  Managerial Application 12.2: The Enron Debacle   Problems with Regulation  Deregulation Movement  Summary 13 Risk Analysis  Concepts of Risk and Uncertainty  Probability Concepts  Standard Normal Concept  Managerial Application 13.1: Why Lotteries Are Popular  Utility Theory and Risk Analysis  Managerial Application 13.2: Employee Stock Options  Adjusting the Valuation Model for Risk  Decision Trees and Computer Simulation  Uses of Game Theory in Risk Analysis  Summary 14 Capital Budgeting  Capital Budgeting Process  Steps in Capital Budgeting  Managerial Application 14.1: Market-Based Capital Budgeting  Cash Flow Estimation Example  Capital Budgeting Decision Rules  Choosing Among Alternative Projects  Cost of Capital  Managerial Application 14.2: Capital Allocation at Berkshire Hathaway, Inc.  Optimal Capital Budget   SummaryAppendix: Interest Factor TablesSelected Check Figures for End-of-Chapter ProblemsGlossary







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